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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I didn't catch the wheels... I was caught off guard I barely could wave in time. It was way clean and he was really happy to see another 510. I loved the color.
  2. Why aren't you running these? You seemed to be all about them last we talked at my work.
  3. Tristin

    Mt. Rainier 2012

    But you get your picture taken with Edward and Jacob cutouts!!!! I'm down to drive wherever... I only require someplace good we can all eat together. Pen loop would be fun.
  4. Driving down Clear Creek road from Silverdale to Poulsbo, spotted a key like pie colored 510. Never seen it before in the area... I was explaining how a carburetor works to my girlfriend and was just quick enough to throw up a wave. He waved back as I was in Minty. Looked like a great car... No pictures since we were traveling at 50mph in the opposite direction.
  5. Inlet GoonFan know and he said there might be a couple smaller things he needed. He's a little busy, but should send a PM your way I think.
  6. If anyone is looking for work in the Kitsap area... PM me.
  7. Psh, people drive from farther away... Just suck it up, find a caravan, and get your ass to Canby.
  8. I thought they only made them for 620s?
  9. I think that piece would cover the intercooler hidden behind the grille.
  10. Oh wow, thank you! That's some pretty high praise. I really appreciate it. It was a really good score on part picking it up in the condition it was. I've tried to fix her up with a few updates and personal touches without going crazy and ruining it. Still auto, no cd player, no sticker bombing (I think mine are decently tasteful anyway), etc. She still has a ways to go before I think she's perfect, but I'm hoping to stay true to the great condition and heritage the car has. Feel free to follow the thread and see what happens. It's a custom painted 'woody II' made by Grip Royal. It feels great in my hands, but cannot attest to how it handles installed. Some after market wheels are very flimsy with thin metal so I'm hoping this isn't like that. It feels pretty solid so I'm praying it turns out well. Decent price for a good looking and custom finish as well. Once again, GoonFan came to my rescue. This makes 3 for 3 breakdowns that he's been able to get me back on the road: one blow out, one flat, and one dead battery. I mos def owe him for all the help.
  11. GoonFan has a Series1. I'm about to see him in a few minutes do I'll pass along the info. Of those 5 Zs, how many are Series1's?
  12. I have an auto in my 4dr. It's a pretty shitty acceleration but I attribute that to bad gear ratios and crappy fluid mostly. I really enjoy it... So much that I have stopped considering anything over than a built L16/18 to keep my auto column shift. Its my first auto car in like 8 yrs and I love it... Im not a racer anymore so it's fun to just cruise.
  13. Of course it's intense... It's a 2Jz swapped wagon.
  14. Yeah, being a member of both sites I can agree that the community here is way better. Welcome to the site. Throw a build thread up and bombard us with pics... You can never have too many.
  15. ... and my battery is dead... I left my running lights on all day while doing Reservist stuff in Bremerton. FML.
  16. Tristin

    Mt. Rainier 2012

    So one week until the cruise... What's the plan guys?
  17. Soooo enough about this stupid meet already..... So when's the next one so I can come?
  18. Man, there's a lot of us machinists on the board... There's a couple more on here that I know of that haven't posted yet either. Currently a machinist full time while doing a bit of graphic and web design work on the side. There's less cuts on my fingers doing websites so it's a little more fun for me (and I can always take on clients if anyone is interested). Eventually with my machining skills/experience/machine usage I hope to start a small custom parts business. Small runs of custom Datsun parts :D
  19. Paco!!!!!! I'm so sad I missed this.
  20. I'm thinking about it... I haven't decided what specifically I'm going to do though. I also need to replace the gear selector end as well, it's cracked. Thanks for all the compliments guys. It's all manual work on the Bridge.
  21. Unfortunately we're using the Tree for Karakoram parts... I'll just do it by hand for now. Ive about 6 lock pulls and all threads have come out great. Low-pro bitch! Here is how low it sits locked when I actually tap all the way as I originally planned.
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