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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I've seen it many times on real drifters... Not trend following wannabes. I've also seen articles in popular import magazines backing the claim. I'm not talking about crazy stretch and hellaflush. Just stiff sidewalls and mild stretch.
  2. Yeah, SSR does a 3pc. welded design. The centered are fitted to the inner barrel, then the outer lip is bolted to that, and then the seam between inner and outer is welded together. After that it's basically a 1pc. wheel so if you want to change anything, you have the break the weld apart first.
  3. I drove an IS350 (auto) to a couple days while it was at our shop. It rode ok with a moderate amount of power, but I hated how small the front windshield seemed. Maybe I was used to the non-tinted completely open 510, but it just seemed like the IS was so cramped in the windshield/dash area.
  4. I'm borrowing that one while he coated mine. I also currently have a matching Nissan 2.0L cover while he coated my finned one. Well I finally got to see your workspace in person a bit ago so I'm not too surprised you didn't find it yet. Are you going to roll by the show tomorrow?
  5. Fine... I'm taking your my feeler gauge and going home humph.
  6. So it's now been 4 for 4 that all the Tacoma meets gets scheduled on my Reservist weekends.
  7. Shout out to Jrock for quality work. Always a pleasure have parts go through your shop.
  8. I might have missed it, but are you recirculating or venting to atmosphere with your BOV?
  9. Some people may not want to powder the centers and some may like the back spacing so they only get outer lips. You can also buy the lips and do all the work yourself to save a few dollars. It is if you have a way to split the welded 3pc. design of SSRs.
  10. Like I said earlier, you're looking at about an extra $1000. Depending on size of the rims, if you powder coat the centers, if you only want outer lips...
  11. They look like 3in lips which would be about +10ish.
  12. Those mirrors have been off for quite some time now. I hate them. I have a peep style mirror at the moment until I get something permanent.
  13. Yeah I first saw my 'cousin' a few months ago... I have a few other pictures of that car saved in my files. Let me see if I can pull them up. It does look great and it's almost everything I want. So I finally broke down and washed the car. Let me tell you, I'm now a firm believer in a good car wash. She really needed it. Epic carwash was epic... Here you can see the before and after with high pressure spray: Some of you were curious about Super Clean and if it really was that amazing. Here is some images of a gentle misting of cleaner on an absolutely caked gas door area. No pressure applied and less than 20sec. after spraying: Unfortunately by the time I got out of he car wash, it was too late for any finished pictures. Will post a few tomorrow after work. It could use another good wash to get everything, but I'm pretty damn happy. Just needs a good wax right now to make it pop.
  14. They look exactly the same as current MKIIs... Unless you're referring to MKII-n's... Then yes, they look way better.
  15. The reason most people do it is So that can fit wider rims inside the fenders. With the wider tires, they would run along the inside of the fender lips so what people do is stretch smaller tires on them to clear the lips. Some people do it for the trend and they stretch only to stretch... And some take it to the extreme (just like any trend/fade/style) and stretch more than they should. Is it safe? Depends. Some tires are softer and easier to stretch while others are stiffer and harder to get onto a wider rim. Those would not make too safe a tire. Many people run a small to moderate amount of stretch and no issues. Most of the drifters I know will stretch a front tire slightly to minimize the amount of sidewall flex which maximizes handling response. They do that in conjunction with meaty rear tires to transfer power and torque.
  16. People spend that and more on 1793 JDM SSS grilles... This is a well made comfortable and stylish seat made of leather and carbon fiber.
  17. Gorgeous. I'd rock it if my interior was black. I thought about converting, but I love the brown/champagne combo.
  18. Just curious. I'm not worried about it at its current state, but the car will be even lower for Saturday... So I'm just making sure. Thanks Jon.
  19. Russell, what's the speed bump/dip situation like getting in the show?
  20. What kind of mesh?- formula mesh?- full mesh?- reverse mesh? I usually see them all the time for sale. I don't find 16s very often though... Usually 15s. Let me check my normal wheel guys and see what they have. And yes, rebarrelling is an option if you have another ~$1000.
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