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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Zelda does NOT need any blow. Her heart would explode from the ridiculousness.
  2. Haha it's just so the daily keeps dailying. In the long run I'm throwing in a mildly built L20b (with a twist). I need the car for work, so the L16 will get me by until something better comes along. In other news, I have 100% decided on the color for repaint. It's minty, it's Nissan, and it's easy to get ahold of... Silver Green Mitallic FG0
  3. A good replacement L16 block :) I don't ever plan on going EFI.
  4. Yeah, that's the one issue with ano that I steered me away for it... Abrasion resistance. I knew it was something you would lean on, man handle it, etc. all the time when you're in the car.
  5. Yeah I can do that. Are you coming to the cruise?
  6. I never said it was a perfect plan. Just that that was an option... They could always be sent to a mod. Items are coming from the Middle East. I'm sure a single set of mirrors will be cheaper than the shipping.
  7. Those are some sweet mirrors. I doubt he wants to split them due to the high shipping rates from the Middle East. Maybe we could get a "group buy" going on. Everyone pays one person who pays the seller. That one person receives package and ships out all bout mirrors. I'd be in for a 620 drivers door mirror.
  8. Not everyone can afford a giant walk-in oven like you.
  9. I'm all for the swap. Just make sure whatever engine you put in it is what you want. If you can have the car down, then list all your L stuff for sale. Then when the right engine comes along snag it because you already have the funds available. Maybe whenever that VG cones up for sale you still have all your L stuff... Then you have to scramble around trying to sell it and you might take a hit on price just to get rid of it quick. Then the engine you want might sell before you get it. If you don't need to drive the 610, then I vote sell everything you don't need. But that's only if your heart is truely set on a VG. If that's what you want, then no L will make you happy.
  10. PM Ratwagon1600. He's a member in Australia and may be able to help.
  11. If you can stand the car being down for awhile then selling off your L20 for VG parts really isn't an issue. What you have to think about is all the work required to get that DE in there worth it when you really want a different motor? It's going to be a pain like all swaps are and if it's something you're not going to be happy with, why do it?
  12. I thought I recognized that Courier. I used to work in your area and saw it all the time. Nice truck. Yeah, R1 carbs are the 'new thing' it seems so I'm sure you could sell a few sets here.
  13. Tristin

    Mt. Rainier 2012

    Paco!!!! Zelda should be along for the ride as well.
  14. I had a friend in high school that looks exactly like this. Let me see if I can grab a oic.
  15. There's some sick cars available: http://exchange.goo-net.com/usedcars/NISSAN/BLUEBIRD/0130121002D4009083001/index.html
  16. I don't know if I want to go to a website called 'Exchange Goo.' That just seems all sorts of messed up.
  17. Or you can just clean them haha. I have no issues with all the aluminum parts in my car... But I hit tank them in Simple Green and scrub them after cutting.
  18. Luckily I now those two from my visit to Perth (where no joke my souls was stollen by a dirty Abo).
  19. I've consider stainless, in fact I have a set already cut in it. I just didn't know if people would pay the added price of stainless over aluminum. I may be able to offset the price if I run them CNC on one of my machines though. I've also considered having them powdered black as that's the stock plastic color.
  20. That's a sweet color green! Somehow I missed it used to be that color (but I'm partial to green so that may be it).
  21. I forgot you're a dirty foreigner and you don't speak out language. I think I'm going to start a new trend for you... Do you guys use the term 'Dundee?' Cheers Jon, your powder work is so Dundee!- its the best I've ever seen mate. Now you have an Australian form of 'bawse.' I really just use as much American slang as possible so you can be the cool guy in your friend circle. You get to drop all this sweet lingo on them and be like, yeah no big deal... I know all the America slang. I'm a bawse; no big deal. Nothing in the mail today. Hopefully tomorrow.
  22. From my understanding they fit Zs fine. I'll test fit tomorrow on a buddies. I think I currently have 2 sets right now. Let me check my stash and Ill PM everyone. I'm trying to get a run of CNC ones created.
  23. Thanks... Since all the parts are in the same oic. You're really too modest Jon. When you want, your shit is bawse. I have zero complaints about the engine parts you've done so far. I should go check the mail.
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