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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> I dont think your point is valid... everyone likes 007... everyone likes Sean Connery... and everyone likes Aston Martin DB9s. Unless you want Devious to also install an ejector seat in his truck.
  2. Poor kitty... its so sad :crying:
  3. Tristin

    Truckin' ~ 7/75

    Paint it? Granted its a clean truck.... but whats so special about it?
  4. You do realize that Lambo door do require welding and such... you will not find a plugNplay kit for a Datsun 620.
  5. If only it were that simple... I would change so many things. But seriously... I vote no Lambo doors. If you really want a crazy door, buy suicide doors.
  6. 1. Build time machine 2. Go back in time to 1998 when Lambo doors on non-Lambos were cool. 3. Purchase Lambo doors with free underglow kit 4. ???? 5. Kill yourself
  7. Like you mentioned, most people keep those because they sell the final pieces... good luck though.
  8. Lol at the ricer part... you do know that its not just ricers who stretch tires, right? Anyway, why dont you remove your rim and measure the wheel well. You can find out for sure how wide of a lip you can run, how tall of a tire, and how much back spacing you can run. Takes nothing more than a straight edge and a ruler.
  9. That was the point, but it doesn't really work. Mainly air just comes in the front and out the back. It's doesn't displace and of the hot air under the hood at all so it actually makes under hood temps higher.
  10. I PMd you one yo! I like how you bumped the PM. It really made me laugh.
  11. That Honda Chaly is sweet... I saved a screen cap from a CL ad that had a sweet Honda scooter in it so hopefully ask in the future if they ever sold it. I figured it was old enough that no one would really want it. Let me see if I can find it.
  12. That would be a Citröen DS. They always make weird shaped cars.
  13. I would say built in '75 and first sold/registered in '76.
  14. Yep, to each their own. I would drive a Carina in a heartbeat, but will pass on a Celica any day.
  15. Nope... never liked them. I hate how the front grille and lights are sunk it. I think it looks ridiculous. Its the same reason I dont like Coronas. Stupid grille ruins it for me.
  16. It being a Celica kills it for me... never been a fan. Clean execution otherwise though.
  17. Not on mobile it doesnt Bonvo... GLWS Radio! Looks like a great truck.
  18. Forgot I this... Bump. Its 2013, start the year off with a freshly built website!
  19. Man after my own heart... these are the only years I like as well. Good luck with the hunt!
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