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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. http://youtu.be/cFu6tHpkeoE
  2. Pictures are quite large so its slowing the page down, but you can save them if you want. There were a few more on the site I grabbed these from, but nothing amazing. Still looking for the build thread.
  3. Can you not read even the post above yours? :confused:
  4. Yes, some native Americans use the same symbol as well.
  5. It sucks that Ive only been here for a year... this thread was before my time and going back through all the pictures, theyre all gone :(
  6. Listed updated with what Ive found and what Im still looked for.
  7. Before the iPhone, this was my favorite:
  8. Yeah the Cyanogen has been coming out for like every version of android. People seem to really like it. Like 1 in 6 use some form of smartphone. I wouldnt call that "hipster." I would just call the "with the times."
  9. I dont know what phone or software you have but if its available, rock cyanogen.
  10. So I just found the video and apparently as of last year she is no longer driving the car... shes legally blind now and had to stop driving. Heres the orginal video: http://growingbolder.com/media/technology/vehicles/romancing-the-road-259598.html
  11. I would assume that they would look almost identical if you are talking about the smaller flares. Same mounting process as all other flares.
  12. You should get an otterbox for your phone... would help so you dont break the one you have. Very shop friendly case.
  13. At least my car has some sort of progress... the wagon just collects dust. All my work may be aesthetic, but its work.
  14. I was just about to post that its an L16 auto... you can tell because of the column shift. You can probably find all the stuff youre missing easily. Dash looks like it will lean up fine, you just need a new pad. With that you can buy a used decent one or buy a cap. Check out 71Dimer for new carpet. Im sure you can find a part out for your missing emblems and license plate lights. How is the car lowered in the rear?
  15. Some companies are really good about warranties... There was a video a couple years ago about a senior citizen who had about a car off the showroom floor in some like 1960 or something. She was the only one to ever drive it, had every receipt for service done, and bought replacement parts with lifetime warranties only. She said she had like 800,000 miles on the car and had been through like 3 exhausts, 12 batteries, etc. and paid nothing because they were all covered under lifetime warranties and she kept receipts.
  16. Heres a pretty sweet site from Japan... this will give you an idea on some of the Japanese street bmx scene. Looks pretty crazy: http://nfkffnfk.blogspot.com/ Whats interesting is there are swastikas all over the site haha.
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