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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Ok, here is the conclusion to the dash refinish... As you can see above I got back all my metal pieces from powder. They came out fantastic and Im super happy with them. I bought all new hardware to reassemble and just went for it: Make sure you make a list of all the hardware you need so you only have to make one trip. There are various nuts, bolts, washers, and capture nuts. I then picked up some Meguires to clean up all the fascia pads. This stuff worked amazing (plus it smells delicious): And after installation you should have something like this:
  2. I created a Dash Refinishing 101 thread here: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/52916-dash-refinishing-101/ Thanks! Driving to NissanFest I was crazy happy. I loved the way the interior came out. I still have some more work to do to get it all back together correctly, it I think it came out great. Well worth the effort I put into it.
  3. It was well organized. There was the "show area" which was all the cars neatly parked, you could group up with your club, and if not it was all sectioned off by model. There was a huge parking lot for just normal attendees and that was all free for all. I mean, the show isnt for everyone and it wasnt perfect, but it was a great time. I really wish more Ratsun guys would have shown to hang out with... If the show is like this next year or even better (hopefully) Ill be going again for sure.
  4. They really would look good against the dark purple paint.
  5. Awesome! Thanks Jalen. I dont do Twitter/Instagram, but Ill have to search through the tags and see if theres more photos out there of it. I appreciate it :thumbup: Nope, still no emblem. Its killing me... I really liked that one. Ill keep searching though. It may just be mixed up in some of the house stuff. We are in the process of moving so things are a little hectic in here.
  6. Youre correct. It was announced at twin and once we scoped it out saw that it was supercharged. Good catch.
  7. Because you cant just buy new door panels... theres no reason to cut up good door panels for speakers when kick panels are just a piece of crappy MDF. If yours has the vinyl pocket in them, you can quickly trace them on some Home Depot MDF and make your own. Making full door panels with the OEM pattern is next to impossible. Dont be a douche and ruin door panels so you can listen to your Beiber and Rebecca Black albums. Measure the hole in your kick panels and go to an audio store where you can measure their magnets. Find one that fits and wire that bitch up.
  8. Will currently trade these lights as is for a nice condition center garnish with you only paying shipping... wicked good deal; just looking to change it up.
  9. Not incredibly hard to find, but not something very common. Please dont cut up your door panels to run speakers. Just make new kick panels out of mdf and put speakers there... theres even a recess in that area to fit the magnet.
  10. Was a pretty good time... Not as ricer as expected (though it had its moments for sure). The old schools definitely got some love and attention which was cool. Everyone stopped by to ask questions or drool which seems to not happen at a lot of "newer car" shows. 3 510s in the show area, maybe 3 S30s, and 5/6 Z31s. One S30 and one S130 doing autocross. I didnt take many show photos, but here are some shots of the JNCs I saw: Show was decently heavy sprinkles the first maybe hour or so we were there, but it cleared up fine and the sun even came out for a bit. Drifting was cool to watch with a few crashes and some great near hits that were pulled off at the last second. Some cool cars on the track with my favorite being a Canadian 4dr. R33 with a twin turbo VK56 swap. Overall had a great time and Im glad I went. Wouldnt be a meet without a Datsun breaking down so a shout out goes to Angelina who apparently ran out of gas due to malfunctioning gauges and my ass who had a loose negative battery cable which honked at in the line to board the ferry on the way home :blush:
  11. Tristin


    I guess you didnt see the Canby thread a few posts from the top in this section? http://community.ratsun.net/topic/44198-canby-2013-where-wet-dreams-come-from/
  12. There will probably be less in the full pot than the grille is worth.
  13. Deal. Help me source a '69 Coupe grille and this one is yours :D Ps. I love the updated look on your wagon. Always looking good :thumbup:
  14. That old thing? Naaaaw ;)
  15. Yes. It's either this or a '70+ pad and '70s are a different size. Made do with that's available.
  16. Thanks Jenn... its coming along! It turned out to be a small turnout, but still had a great time.
  17. I love the paint on this... very clean.
  18. Youre welcome. http://gizmodo.com/5889806/faux-loko-the-diy-drink-i-shouldnt-be-telling-you-about/gallery/1
  19. Thanks everyone... Let there be light!
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