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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. There will be no red. I think I like the plain garnish... Ill probably bust out some Nevrdull and moderately polish it up. See how that goes.
  2. That was just to appease Freak. It won't be red... Maybe if I had a white car with more red somewhere. Beat me to it. Haha Jalen the eternal noob.
  3. So masking while using stripper didnt give me the cleanest edge so I stripped the whole thing and will start fresh. Here is the garnish mocked up with no paint. Thoughts?
  4. They werent even bolted in... just put them in with the reverses in the center. They will be right side up when completely installed. Good eye :P
  5. Thanks. Uploading broken images now. Edit: Jesus... 574 photos are being uploaded right now.
  6. Stock lights back in. You can notice the amount you need to remove for larger GL buckets: License plate lights removed as well: Garnish mocked up: Too much black, so Ill be stripping the paint off like below:
  7. I guess you picked the wrong line of work... and you obviously dont know anything about my benefits because that paycheck is to support my ass. Thats what its for. Its separate from school money. Its so that I can focus on school and not have to get a full-time job. I dont know what program your friends are that are milking the system, but thats not me.
  8. Master cylinder for the brakes.
  9. Full time student, baby! Government pays for my school and sends me a paycheck every month to buy Datsun parts pay bills. I make more going to school than I did as a machinist.
  10. Lol dont hate because Im just rolling out of bed right now... This is an early morning too. Usually up around 11. Thats the beauty of being on Summer Break B)
  11. Yeah, you could tell the lenses were fake, but they were quality. Since I was so knew I really didnt care and just wanted to replace the cracked lenses I had. Held up nice though.
  12. I know :blush: Ill get on it today. I want to finish up a few things on the car first, and then Ill focus on redoing all my images.
  13. Uh, why would I be posting LL Cool J videos?
  14. Fucking auto correct. I just woke up and I was too tired to catch the change on my phone. :blush:
  15. They are talking to you Jon... its a pickup line. They are calling you "Sweet Love."
  16. It has been and weve all moved on... see how we have been quoting The Big Lebowski for like ten posts now? Way to ruin to streak... jerk.
  17. No one really does, but since I was already fantasizing about a sale that would never happen I figured it was ok to fantasize about payments :D A 68 wagon sure would be cool.
  18. Is it at least the goat addition?
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