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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Thats some uncalled for racism. You have an issue with kids being un-stereotypical?
  2. This forum only lets you post two videos at a time. Otherwise they just turn them into links.
  3. Iwrestledabearonce is top 3 for me and Im a hug Horse the Band fan. They crack me up every time I see them.
  4. As long as you like it. I bought lenses from him a couple years ago as well and they came with no issues.
  5. Watching Backdraft and spot this 2002: My dad had one of these in high school... with sequentials. I remember him talking about them when I was younger and I thought it was the coolest thing.
  6. Anyone watch The Regular Show?
  7. http://www.youtu.be/ncJxIxl9GmA
  8. To each their own... I always thought clear lenses were ricer.
  9. Welcome! Would love to see more pictures. You should make a build thread...
  10. I have one in my 510 and love it (as much as you can love a non-OEM dash). Cant attest to 620 dash caps though.
  11. That meme wasnt about you... dont be so conceited. My posts were hidden too ^_^
  12. Cute!... unless thats a noose... then that shit is creepy. She would then remind me of the Skrillex girl:
  13. You should prime it.
  14. Since the ad was deleted, I think Joel bought them.
  15. Cracked how bad? Seems crack free 620 dashes are pretty rare, but you could always source a better one with less cracks depending on how bad yours is.
  16. Both orders received, packaged up, and ready to head out today. Thanks again!
  17. Another item in the store was stickers. Pick your color and such from there. If you log back into the store, select your sticker, and check out again Ill throw one in the package. Just use coupon code LOCAL and I wont charge you twice for shipping. Thanks for the business :)
  18. For 600, that could be a sweet score... Id drive one of those.
  19. As long as there is enough interest, sure. We have to be able to sell close to what the printer has for a minimum order. So as long as enough people want to see a 910, Im game to make on. Just paid for a the next run of shirts. Id call this Run 1.5. Single design, black on heather grey. Shirts are already paid for and printing right now. You can pay in advance if youd like to make sure that you get a shirt or wait the est. 2wks (to my door) time and get one then. If you guy early, use coupon code PREORDER to receive $5 of your order when you buy another shirt (any design thats available).
  20. http://www.youtu.be/rkRe69ij_qY
  21. I can PM you a list of bands similar to Suicide Silence and Black Dahlia Murder if youre looking for new music. This is 90% of the music I listen to, so I have a huge collection.
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