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dual contact vs single contact points?

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was planning on going to electronic ignition but can't find any available to do the conversion, I see there are 2 points options Dual contact and Single contact. Whats the difference? also any tips on keeping a points ignition happy would be appreciated, wear, service, when to replace, does it advance timing only when points wear out? Thanks y'all



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This isn't all threads with info, but I just compiled this list this morning for another guy...which will make the last line make more sense......



I'm not a fan of the NICO club forum because there's so many ads....but here's info from a post.


Re: (srl311too)

Post by dimedriver » Mon May 04, 2009 4:22 pm


The pertronix only works with the single points dizzy. Ask the part guy for a 68 510 distributor and you can put that thing right in there. I think they are only $120 @kragen/oriely.


You also need at leaste 3 ohms of resistance in your coil + ballast resistors. I have the 3ohm flame thrower coil and it still gets to hot so im adding a .8 ohm resistor.






...best info I've found yet!!!  I may put a link to this on my site.  I'm only going to be looking at if it's possible to modify the pertronix to work on the dual point dizzy that all of the trucks had.




...more about the pertronix...by Hainz











Senior Member


Posted June 28, 2009

Just keep your stock coil and ballast resisitor. No need for that coil. sve your money.




However since you have a L20 distributor you have to remove that ring above the point lube. That means you have to strip the dizzy apart.




have you done this bfore????????? As the kit is really for a Hitachi single point L16 distributor. Then its a drop in otherwise the L20b dizzy has to be modded. The Ring above the point lobe must be machine or the Magnet ring will not fit over the ring.








That last thread had some good info in it.  Most of the pertronix info is all moot since you're looking to put the matchbox in the truck.


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On 7/14/2024 at 10:32 AM, mklotz70 said:

Just keep your stock coil and ballast resisitor. No need for that coil. sve your money.

this is best unless you want the NEW  LOOK if running Pertronix.


dual point dist you and disconnect the 2nd side of points and run it as a single point but have never seen this converstion with the Pertronix where they take the dual point and install 1741 pERTRONIX MODULE INSIDE

Edited by banzai510(hainz)
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On 7/14/2024 at 9:52 AM, Chance said:

was planning on going to electronic ignition but can't find any available to do the conversion, I see there are 2 points options Dual contact and Single contact. Whats the difference? also any tips on keeping a points ignition happy would be appreciated, wear, service, when to replace, does it advance timing only when points wear out? Thanks y'all




Points only:


You can wire dual points to be working at all times. Reset the timing on the opening set to stock. This will give you more dwell time. The opening set will get most of the wear from arcing.


Expect to file the points and re-gap every 5k and replace every 10k.


Normal wear on points usually results in the gap widening (usually) which will cause the timing to retard slightly.


Use only stock coil and ballast. Wizzz bang high output coils will draw more current through the points wearing them out sooner. Only suckers buy them. Stock parts are proven reliable and more than good enough for stock applications.

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Points only:


You can wire dual points to be working at all times. Reset the timing on the opening set to stock. This will give you more dwell time. The opening set will get most of the wear from arcing.


Expect to file the points and re-gap every 5k and replace every 10k.


Normal wear on points usually results in the gap widening (usually) which will cause the timing to retard slightly.


Use only stock coil and ballast. Wizzz bang high output coils will draw more current through the points wearing them out sooner. Only suckers buy them. Stock parts are proven reliable and more than good enough for stock applications.

appreciate it mike

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