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~ What's ya Watching?" ~

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On 8/17/2024 at 8:40 AM, gh0stwerx76 said:

I just learned terminator is the prequel to matrix, as explained by the writer Neo is Sarah Conners kid.  

Wait, what, no. Sarah Conners kid is named John and Neo is known as Mister Anderson.


Stop jacking with my real....



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  • 2 weeks later...

I might of posted this before, I forget, but I stopped recommending movies to anyone under 40, the world has polluted my attention span. In this last year, I started scrolling on my phone..Damn, they got me. Figure if I couldn't sit through it now, somebody of a younger generation would hate it. There is no way I could make it through the river scenes of Apocalypse Now, watching old black and white drives me nuts and I grew up with a black and white TV, it is not the lack of color that bothers me, it is no one will get to the damn point. Watch an old B&W western, good guy comes into bar sees bad guy, music, bad guy slowly turns toward good guy, camera shot of good guy seeing bad guy, camera shot of bad guy seeing good guy, camera shot of bad guy smile, camera shot of good guy seeing smile and looking determined, camera shot of bad guy looking determined, MUSIC, camera shot of good guys eyes, camera shot of bad guys eyes, back to good guy eyes, back to bad guy eyes, but now we see sweat dripping down bad guys forehead---SOMEBODY SHOOT ALREADY. it's been like 5 min and that's just one scene. I'll start watching old movies again, if I start smoking weed again

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This is about a dude that "refuses to die" .. it's unbelievable , like superhero type shit..  but totally worth your time if you like action. 




Edited by bananahamuck
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