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2000 ford ranger tranny question


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ok, tranny has been making noise all day. i thought it was the brakes making noise. had that brake squeal to it. then it wouldn't shift into gear, just stuck in second. had to rev it up to put it in second and had to run stop signs cause the clutch wouldn't dis engage. does that sound like the slave cylinder to you all?

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I had a 1994 ranger 4.0 5 speed. Great pickup sold it and was still runing strong using no oil at 168,500 miles. I did have the clutch start leaking fluid at one point so check the clutch resivor. I also at ine time was screwing around and slamed that thing into second gear wich broke off a shifting fork inside the tranny. But since you can still shift yours it sounds as if the clutch fluid is low. I could fill my resivor up and it would last about a week before i had to add more to it. The clutch pedal would get closer and closer to the floor that when i knew it was time to add more fluid.

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My Mom's '96 Ranger (4-cyl) is on the original clutch and hydraulics, somewhere around 150,000 miles. She has been told for a few years she needs a new clutch, but it still grabs hard. I can hardly drive the thing, clutch is way too sensitive (though it used to be far, far worse). I'm too used to slippy clutches where you can ease out at idle and not kill the engine.


A friend's '94 ate the gearbox at around 220,000 (V-6) though it was still functional. Pulled becuase of noise and found a lot of bearing damage inside so he put in a new trans.


The only Datsun I've ever blown up a gearbox in was my '83 720, at around 225,000 miles the input shaft bearing let go and the transmission ate itself.

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Planned obsolescence. Make it cheaper, lighter thinner. Henry Ford used to go around junk yards looking at his old cars. He asked them what parts did people never come in for. He was told the king pins. Except for accidents they lasted real well. He went back to his designer/engineers and told them "Make it smaller!!!" Now I don't know if this is true, but it makes sense to have all parts wear out at the same time.


Funny you have this problem All the Bronco IIs I've seen had this funny whine coming from them, like the tranny or something, and you never see them anymore either.



The only Datsun I've ever blown up a gearbox in was my '83 720, at around 225,000 miles the input shaft bearing let go and the transmission ate itself.


I've seen one in the yard like that. I drained it before removing and BBs fell out with the oil. Front bearing gone then counter gear shaft snapped. The good news was it didn't get fixed and sat in some yard before finally being scrapped ... only 170,000km on a really nice Z22. Apparently some of the later 5/'84 and up 720 FS5W71Bs got the larger 64mm counter shaft bearings like the C type

Edited by datzenmike
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