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whats wrong with kids these days?!?

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My buddy recently bought an RX7 from a kid for a parts car. The car had been wrecked about 9 years ago, the passenger's door was all caved in.


The kid he bought it from was the one that wrecked it. He (a minor at the time) was at a party and took the car (not his and without permission) for a ride and wrecked it. The court ordered that his parents make restitution on the car. They paid for it and took possession of it.


Now here is the best part of the story. The kid had to pay them back, couldn't work on it or sell it until he'd paid them off. The real kicker was it sat right outside the kid's bedroom window the entire time he was paying it off.


Talk about a reminder that he'd really f'd up!

Edited by Dime Dave
I can't spell or properly use spell check.
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but im pretty smart adn i know






I completely agree with you though. There's a general dumbing down of our culture and it makes me weep.

Here's a few examples. My sister occasionally substitute teaches an ASL(American Sign Language) class at the High School. One day she has them watch a video on cochlear implants and then write a 2 page essay on it. One girl wrote what my Sister described as "The worlds longest text message" using terms such as "lol" and "idk" and other text acronyms....In a WRITTEN essay. Not even typed.


Another kid, remember these are High School kids(17+) started his essay with "I think death people should get the Cochlear Implant because...." Death? really?


I also graduated with a kid that couldn't read. He wasn't mentally challenged or anything. He just didn't want to learn so the school provided him with someone to read for him.


I feel sorry for the next generation, and more so for the people who have to deal with them.


The beginning of Idiocracy was spot on.

For those who haven't seen it:



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I completely agree with you though. There's a general dumbing down of our culture and it makes me weep.

Here's a few examples. My sister occasionally substitute teaches an ASL(American Sign Language) class at the High School. One day she has them watch a video on cochlear implants and then write a 2 page essay on it. One girl wrote what my Sister described as "The worlds longest text message" using terms such as "lol" and "idk" and other text acronyms....In a WRITTEN essay. Not even typed.


Another kid, remember these are High School kids(17+) started his essay with "I think death people should get the Cochlear Implant because...." Death? really?


I also graduated with a kid that couldn't read. He wasn't mentally challenged or anything. He just didn't want to learn so the school provided him with someone to read for him.


I feel sorry for the next generation, and more so for the people who have to deal with them.


The beginning of Idiocracy was spot on.

For those who haven't seen it:



A 2 page essay on cochlear implants?! Err, why?
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