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state laws that could affect a ratsun owner.


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My neighbor got me in trouble, and I let that code guy see my room, that was a very big mistake on my part, never let anyone in.

My neighbor was a dumb f**k, he quit his job for one reason or another and started working on cars in his garage, his former employer(auto shop) turned him in, he told the code guy that he should be able to make money in his garage if that guy(me) could raise fish for money in his garage.

I tore the room down because it cost more to keep it going than I was making from it, I just got to big, but that code guy started talking about other stuff that had nothing to do with my garage, that is when I grew a spine.

The thing was I was selling fish to pet shops, that is different than a hobby, and has different rules.

Fish room? Sheep? Really? I could not imagine living near some assholes who cared if I had a motherfucking sheep! Hell, my wife wants sheep. I don't feel like building the fence.

If i can legally own something, why the fuck couldn't I have it? Don't put up with that shit. They're paid by taxes. They're harassing people who pay taxes. Take your taxes and move somewhere that cares about you.

This whole story sounds foreign as fuck to me. I'm dumbfounded that people in the United States of America have to worry about uniforms coming on they're property and taking it. Fuck that!

They thought THEY had a sheep. Gotcha. I read "They thought I had a sheep."

I still stick by what I said. I dare somebody to tell me how many fish I can raise.

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Thankyou wayno, things have been in process for about 3 weeks now. Im complying this time. I wasnt home when they inspected vehicles, I have a friend who was trying to help and invited them out to look things over. Thought they were doing a good thing. Once they found out I wasnt running a chopshop/ illegal junkyard, things went pretty well. Basically just told me to get my paperwork straight and clean the front yard up. Said I didn't have to get rid of anything. The ones going to the junkyard were bought from a junkyard, I dont have the time or funds to get them inspected, so its my choice. I was given options of ways to legally get rid of such vehicles too. The trooper is just doing his job. But hes completely willing to work with me on this. I think there may have been some exaggeration of what was really going on around here. Thinking after this the neighbors will be moving soon. Whats done is done, just gotta roll with it.

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I've been through this sort of- never had the Sheriff come by, but have had visits by code enforcement 3 times and the Health department once.  Basically I figure it was real estate agents reporting me.  The nuts part was, Code Enforcement told me they had to inspect every complaint, though they cannot enter the property without permission.  But they can write you up for what they can see from the public right-of-way.  And the Code enforcement guy all 3 times said I wasn't in violation, but close enough that complaints would still happen. 


The Health department, though, that's another story.  They claimed they need no permission to come in, as it's a public health and safety issue.  Of course they were expecting to find cars with rotting interiors due to broken windows and full of rodents...  not here.  So instead they cited me for having spools of concertina wire (spooled up and tied, mind you) on the ground.  So I put the spools on a old rotten wooden pallet and that satisfied them.  They didn't even mention the tire pile... 


At this point, I have titles for everything I have except the somewhat immobile remains of an El Camino the prior owner of my Monroe property left back in the brush.  As it has no rear axle (and only the front spindles, no hubs)  it's not the easiest thing to move (plus it's buried in blackberry vines).  At some point I'll have to drag it out, but to dispose of it I'll have to have it inspected. 


I'm more worried about the access my Neighbor has to my property by law, due to the shared well and utility easments (all their utilities run right down the middle of my yard).  Because they are selling their property, all the inspections are happening including inspecting the well which is on my property (but feeds both).

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