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roadside assistance thread

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I passed a maroon 510 wagon sitting on the side of hwy 99 in Manteca today (about a mile from my house) and started looking for the owner. no one was around so I went on about my business and on my way home a couple hours later it was still there, I really wanted to help. Anyhow I started thinking about some sort of roadside assistance thread so that traveling datsuneer's could have a place to reach out to locals for tools, parts, tow or just give assistance in general. Any thoughts, does one already exist?

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Good on you for wanting to help your fellow man...  

Get your self a few Ratsun business cards and you could have left one of those or just a i will help you note with your number.   Unless of course he is a psycho that finds his victims with the ole "broken down import car"  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, trick

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