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so long poulsbo....

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Well today was a kick in the nuts. I have worked at Poulsbo RV in Poulsbo for something like 6 1/2 years now. Proud to be one of the top techs in the shop and makin good $$ but today it all came crashin down. With the economy in crisis and gas being worth more than gold we have been struggling to stay afloat so today we all sat down for a big ol meeting with the owners son in law and brother. They broke the news that the whole store in Poulsbo will be closing. Everything but service will be done at the end of the month. Service will be open for a couple weeks through October to finish up then that is it.

It sucks because I will lose all my benefits and most likely will go backwards in pay by a few dollars an hour. The Walts in Port Orchard is looking for a few techs and its like 5 minutes from home. I already picked up an application so I hope that works out for me. I am OK with all of this but it is sad to lose the best job I have ever had. But dont worry bout me. I shall survive and will never sell a Datto to pay the bills.:cool:

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"Losing" the last couple jobs I have had was very good for me personally and professionally. I went from working for a company I didn't really like to having a job I love, working for great people, in an industry that is in high demand - energy.


Good luck to you man. Keep your good attitude about you, it's an invaluable asset!

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I am sure you will have a great bounceback Datsunfish! The RV market totally has been in trouble, it is prolly a good idea to seek out fresher waters. I have family in the rv manufacturer companies in Indiana, and last I was there they told me how hurting that industry is right now. Not only that production is down, but how bad it is effecting the dealers.


I don't know, at times like these I usually like to think that it was meant to be, and that better things will come of it. Might not see it right away, but it has always worked out that way for me.


And you have a great attitude about it! Keep it up!

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I was fired from a job once, it was going no where anyway. I went home to my g/f who contacted her ex who's workplace was hiring. I went down the next day and got the job starting the next week. One door closes another opens. Be ready.


I've moved on since then but in the same profession working outdoors. The guy who fired me? I saw him several years later and thanked him.


Five minutes from home means you could easily bike to work. No more $100 fill ups every two weeks. I bike a little under 10 miles a day to work and back. This will almost cover your pay loss.

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