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Can anyone help me I.D. this Datsun transmission

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To begin at the beginning, go to http://community.ratsun.net/topic/691-how-to-post-pictures-and-keep-online-photo-albums/ and read!  Begin at the beginning!


 Next, in any case you have given no relevant information as to the vehicle , year, or vintage of your engines or any clue as to the "5 speed" transmission year or type  identification.


You cannot expect relevant information unless you make at least a half asssed attempt at providing information that hopefully will lead to a sucessful resolution of your problem.  "Mind readers we are not!" says Yoda.

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Five speed for sure, made no later than '79. I would say from a '77-'78 280z or the first year 280zx. Doubtful it's from a 620. Looks like it's been sitting outside with all the steel parts so rusty.

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I have the same problem trying to figure out the transmission I had ..



Is there a number on the transmission to identify ?



Post a picture of it. Or look up the (https://docs.google.com/folderview?id=0ByCvxnHNk90SYzc4N2E1MWEtMzg0MC00YTE4LTkxZGQtM2RjODA5ODA1YjU1) Dime Quarterly volume 11 issue 4 for my feature on transmission ID.

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