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Any vapers on Ratsun?

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By the way... hi red!


haha whats up homie?


i vape everyday, all day. i dont do it to be a hipster, i do it to help lower my cigarette count. i buy a pack maybe once a week rather than 2 packs a day. its cheap once you get the right setups and get the supplies to last for a while. i have multiple setups due to being another hobby. until the recent stress, it helped me quit, but shit happens.


these are my setups.









this is what it looks like when i rebuild my mods. haha




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All this shit to help people stop smoking at the risk that the crap they inhale is not actually any better for them.

Not that I really have any info on that, but I have read a few news articles about how the stuff in the vape pens could be just as bad or worse than just smoking.



Look at the rates of cancer in Japan, its like %80 lower than here, and per capita, they smoke over twice as much.


so less than half the cancer and over twice the smoking. hmmmm, lets look at this farther....



American cigarettes = pumped with disgusting chemicals, rat poison, carcinogens, and radioactive pesticide


Japanese cigarettes= all natural tobacco grown with pride.



American cigarettes= Fiberglass filters, so the glass cuts your lungs up and introduces the nicotine faster


Japanese cigarettes= cotton filter, non dangerous.




American cigarettes = non flamable paper, adding even more carcinogens


Japanese cigarettes= normal cigarette paper.




American cigarettes= crappiest most mass produced tobacco grown for higher profit margins


Japanese cigarettes= tobacco grown with good ingredients




And yet its the "cigarettes that cause cancer"


Yet we write absolutely no laws that say you cant put deadly chemicals in tobacco products. You cant legally sell american cigarettes in many countries because they are so bad. Hell, we have actually wrtitten laws to make our cigarettes even more dangerous and carcinogenic.

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For the record I also dont see it making anybody stop smoking. Most people will get tired of it and then go back to cigarettes, just like the e-cigarette fad that died pretty quick, so will this.


So defending this fad as a "way to quit smoking" if you have been doing it less than 1-2 years, is not really reasonable, and I feel that you are doing just that "defending a fad"


Now, if you have been doing this for years and dont smoke anymore, congrats, good on you.


Of course that "congrats" is assuming that the vape junk is actually better for you than tobacco, which I do not believe it is.

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Regardless, smoking is stupid.  It used to have a point, as in special religious ceremonies and was only done once in a while.  Leave it to some asshole to figure out nicotine was addictive and start mass-producing it.  On the other hand, lots of smokers die every year, thus saving us from over-populating more than we already are.  So there is a plus side! ;)

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Which makes you wonder why it's not illegal to smoke, doesn't it?  I wouldn't wish that on anyone, it's too authoritarian.  I don't think, however, that the current generation should be allowed to sue tobacco companies.  With all the warnings and all the information, people still seem to become a slave to nicotine and the inherent health risks that go with it.  That's not the fault of the death/cancer merchant.


But it's interesting that they are selling an addictive chemical, much like meth, or heroin.  The only difference is abuse of those things can cause death quickly and come with drastic side affects, whereas cigarettes take a long time and have less side effects other than smelling like ass and coughing up a lung because you just inhaled a shitload of smoke.


People forget, humans are meant to breath air, not smoke.  (No matter what the smoke is from.)  Why do you think firefighters have a shorter life expectancy?  Inherent risks and smoke inhalation.

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I'm going to drop some knowledge here about smoking. My parents originally opened a roll your own store, you came in bought cigarette tubes and tobacco, loaded them into a pneumatic CNC cigarette machine.


What they sold was pure pipe tobacco, so no outside chemicals, and a carton of smokes would cost $38, that's HALF of a carton of mass produced cigarettes.


This went in for about a year just fine then bam, big tobacco lobby's congress and the drop the hammer on the ryo businesses. When I say drop the hammer I mean it was illegal to own the machine that made the cigarettes.


Now some background in the machines. They were made by a company in the Midwest somewhere (I can't remember where) and cost about $34k, and you had to buy "spins" from the company that made the machines because the software in the machine was basically hooked up to the internet and could be remotely shut down and it would not work unless it was hooked up and had spins loaded into it. When good old uncle Sam decided that they were going to tax the living shit out of the cigarettes that the business was now "manufacturing" the company that made the machines and you HAD to buy "spins" from just shit there fuxking doors and disappeared.


On to to our wonderful state of Washington. When it was decided by the feds to tax it like regular cigarretes they leftnitbup to the state to figure it out and fave not guide lines on what to do. It is now almost 2 years later and the state STILL doesn't know what the actual law is. Oh and technically speaking if you see one of the RYO places in business in Washington its essentially illegal.


Now into the "vape" its just a matter of fucking time before good old for "we the people" uncle Sam make it illegal too, but go ahead and keep sucking on them cigarettes cause big tobacco has the money to buy the lawmakers so they han keep making billions.

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if vaping is bad for me, then fuckit, im a hipster anyways, that makes me look even more badass.


but in all seriousness, vaping got me to quit smoking, and it a million times cheaper than cigarettes once i got the right setup. im down to 3mg(which is super low) of nicotine now.


and yes, vaping CAN be dangerous if you use shitty juice, bad setups, and misuse the juice. anything can be bad for you if you do too much of it. hell you can die by drinking too much water.


at this moment, there are no negative studies about vaping, so for people to say its bad for you, is just a speculation, not a fact.


you can say im defending a fad, and ill agree. suck my dick. i dont care how you want to look at it, but it got me lower my cigarette use per day, and i feel better and better everyday.


if you dont vape and have never tried one of these things, i dont think you should have the right to comment and give out false info about the product.


you dont buy, you dont bitch.




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Big tobacco will drop the ban hammer on vaping, It will only take them a a couple of years to do it.

All the negitive shit you read is done by big tobacco Co's.


Same thing for electric cars. We had electric cars a hundred years ago. They haven't done any better than they did a hundred years ago.

Why?? Big oil lining the pockets of the suit wearing nimrods that run the country.


Big Oil & Tobacco Co's run this country. It's called MONEY!!!

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Big tobacco will drop the ban hammer on vaping, It will only take them a a couple of years to do it.

All the negitive shit you read is done by big tobacco Co's.


Same thing for electric cars. We had electric cars a hundred years ago. They haven't done any better than they did a hundred years ago.

Why?? Big oil lining the pockets of the suit wearing nimrods that run the country.


Big Oil & Tobacco Co's run this country. It's called MONEY!!!

and your point.

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