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240sx heads up display

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For whatever reason i was reading up on avionics (boring night)


It seems you could get an optional heads up computer display for your Nissan 240sx on the 1989 to 1994 models


As much as im against computerized gizmos in my vehicle, thats still awesome, bet there isnt many 240sx's with that out there.


So has anyone ever owned one with that option?



and with that nugget of information I am offline for the night.


Nerdist A Monk - Defender of the Public Cheese signing off. :ninja:

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dude stuff like this does not need a thread !! post this in your, whats on your mind bar......






thanks for the insult tendril, if thats how people treat each other on ratsun then i think ill minimize the amount of posting i do for now on. I may just go on with my project without any pics so i can just get it done and finished, i mean why waste my time updating things here if this is how people are. (cant stand forum nazis, kinda kills the fun).


Good day sir.


fyi i wanted to see if anyone actually owned a 240sx with a hud on it.

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funny they post these pics which violate the golden rules of ratsun, and honestly they violate me even more since im not here for that, im here to talk about my wait for it......datssan truck....

and if im not talking about my truck, im talking about other trucks, if im not talking about other trucks then im talking about other cars, if im talking about other cars then im talking about the parts on the cars and trucks....and if im not talking about any of that then im ranting about some buried truth that bugs me.



Good day sir. Fyi i updated my profile accordingly, since if this makes me a moron then im proud to be one, cause i certainly wouldnt want to be what that makes you.

It isnt the post count that makes you valuble its the content. datzenmike for example is a national treasure.

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240 HUDs are a bad idea.  Search google for the number of people who have problems with them once they reach an older age.


i said it was cool, never said i would want one though, as i said i dont like computers in my car, and the basic requirement for a hud is a computer of sometype to power it.

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dude stuff like this does not need a thread !! post this in your, whats on your mind bar......




Congratulations on winning the ABSOLUTE DOUCHEBAG FUCK OF THE WEEK AWARD!!!!!!!!!!


I may not agree with Nerdist on carbs, But I dont go out of my way to be a complete and utter douchologist, to call someone a MORON, just letting you know, thats what some of us think of you.


I hear Washington state is trying to claim Vancouver Island was 'discovered' by Lewis and Clark..


It probably was, after it was discovered by the serbians crossing the land bridge with the Japanese who later evolved into native americans. Ill tell you what though, regardless, its probably better off in Canadias hands

240 HUDs are a bad idea.  Search google for the number of people who have problems with them once they reach an older age.

their not that bad, theres alot of repairs with them to get em workikng propperly, all it is is a LCD screen which sits facing your windshield and reflects the speed off the glass, its technology, but its not like its google earth, that shit doesnt work right out of the box and could kill you! hahaha, if I had a 240sx I would put one on it.

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It probably was, after it was discovered by the serbians crossing the land bridge with the Japanese who later evolved into native americans. Ill tell you what though, regardless, its probably better off in Canadias hands



I know you meant Siberians from north east Asia.



Yeah you don't want us... we have no oil reserves.

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sorry were wasting our time by force feeding you this, stop trolling like a douche




back to the original topic which might go somewhere and allow some of us to expand the ideas of possibilities of our cars. rather than complain about not liking a thread, boo hoo, "mommy the other kids were wasting my time in a thread!!!!, waaaaaaahhhh!!!!!"



I think after doing some research on the subject I believe that the HUD might be able to be adapted to digital dashboard 300zx and 280zx's and probably the digital dash Maxima.  the speedo units look similar and the wiring is similar too. so who would want to see an HUD on a 280zx or 300zx cause I think I could do it.


Edit: on the Maxima the HUD unit could be incorporated into the instrument cluster pad, theres a good bit of room back there. what other Nissans came with digital dash's?


Edit: there is also a check engine light that is incorporated into the unit, this could be used as a shift light and check engine light with most aftrermarket ECUs

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yeah, maybe if you had some freaking patience I would have went somewhere sooner, but its people like you that make me want to figure it out by myself, and not post it or take any pictures so anyone else can do it. you got that response from two people in this thread, you have a problem, dont be a dickhead.


additionally it seems someone HAS done it, sort of, with an Android no less. search HUD on 280zx, its on Hybridz 


(I would link it but Im banned and blocked from there cause I called their douche bag mod out on warning people for not capitalizing, needless to say my opinion is fuck hybrid z and all the old man fuckheads over there, I just read their bullshit on my phone now so no skin off my nose.)


but that guy did it by inverting his android screen then putting it on his dashboard with a piece of tint and it worked great. I think I can do something a bit cleaner than that. I need to find a digital maxima dash. probably the same to wire it up to a maxima/300/and 280zx

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I did not intend to step on toes to hard, and I do not wish to push out new members and jade them, I think monk has a lot of useful info, like the majority of members here . My point is, not every thought, idea or question needs a thread . And I'm really trying to be the good guy and prevent future flaming :)

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