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Dafuc, Boston and now Waco - thoughts and prayers with you people

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I wouldn't jump to any conclusions yet.  Fertilizer plants are flammable operations.

No conclusions mate, far from it!


In one of my past lives I was a Bomb detection dog handler. As part of my training I learnt how bombs (I.e.d's or improvised explosive devices as they are called) are, made. I don't want to post too much here, but, suffice to say ANFO, or ammonium nitrate fertiliser and fuel oil (the FO part) is incredibly easy to make if you have the know how!


All of this not withstanding, and my previous work experiences being immaterial to a large extent, I love the U.S.A and it guts me to see shit happen to fundamentally good people, accident or not.


Thanks Tristin, my posts and thoughts are incredibly sincere and heartfelt.


Cheers guys (and girls)

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OMFG, I am so glad I wised up. Ratwagon coulda fucked me up for real. Who knows how many other past lives he's led..........

Nothing I'm going to post in the public mate :)


Said it once already, but, good on you for pulling your head in!


In the mean time, good people have lost their lives.


We're sort of immune to massive tragedies in Australia, however, doesn't mean we don't bleed when others (our allies) are cut.

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they know for a fact they were already fighting a small fire when it blew, once amonium nitrate hits a certain temprature, it starts a thermal runaway reaction, then there is no stopping it,  thats what happened in the 40's there  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_City_disaster   the entire plant was a bomb waiting to go off,  they take extreme precautions, but sometimes things happen, when you put a lot of it together, sometimes it starts a reaction on it's own.

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"I've had every Anarchsit Cookbook revision and knockoff available. I was also an admin on the ACB website for several of my younger years. Not that I would ever use any of it for bad.






Course not. I like expanding my knowledge on many subject's. You never know when you might need to know some shit.

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