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What is this button for?


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Okay picture yourself sitting in your 510.  Above your left knee, along the bottom leading edge of the dash/instrument panel there is a downward facing button. It doesn’t lock into place when pressed, more spring action to set itself in an ‘open’ position. It appears to be an intermittent switch or something…can someone tell me what this is for/connected to?  I’m going over the 510 schematic and can’t seem to locate it. (i've used the search, but not sure if i'm typing in the proper inquiry to get good selections back)

I’ll run down to the garage an upload a oic of it in a sec. Curious if I can use this as kill-switch or push start, lol… I dunno.

Thanks for your help guys.

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Thanks Mike, looks like its wire chasing for this guy. Funny, looks like it is meant to be there, appears to be as old as everything around it.

Maybe i will be able to use this for something... we'll see.

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Have you ever had this car running / driving? Sorry for not following a thread if you have one, there's one megafuckington of projects on the forum.


Chase the wire, and find out.  See if it connects to the stock wiring harness and if so what wires it connects to. Then look in the book. Maybe connects to the starter?  Don't be a sissy.  hook a battery up to the car and push it!!!11!!  Maybe its a BJ button.  Coulda been missing out the whole time.

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What does it do when you push it? 

I don't know, didn't notice it until I started taking the car apart.


Have you ever had this car running / driving? Sorry for not following a thread if you have one, there's one megafuckington of projects on the forum.


Chase the wire, and find out.  See if it connects to the stock wiring harness and if so what wires it connects to. Then look in the book. Maybe connects to the starter?  Don't be a sissy.  hook a battery up to the car and push it!!!11!!  Maybe its a BJ button.  Coulda been missing out the whole time.


The car was running fine until i took the engine out to replace the clutch and fix a few other things around the car, the car turned on with no problem at the turn of the key (so it's not a killswitch, yet). it's in non-op status until i put everything back together. I'm not worried about this, just wanted to see if anyone had an idea of what it went to. I'm no stranger to wire chasing, I have extensive experience do that on military aircraft. Also, as old as this car is...if it was a BJ button, i'd be worried, lol. better make sure i have my tetanus shot up to date for i push it.

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