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bought my goon tonight :)

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Also, make sure you're at the top of the compression stroke and not the exhaust stroke. This happens more times than you can imagine - the piston being at the highest point does not necessarily mean you're on the compression stroke. To be sure, take out the plug and put your thumb over the hole while the engine is rotated - the pressure of the compression stroke against your thumb will be unmistakable.

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A lean mixture and retarded timing can both contribute to an engine running hot. What was your initial timing set at and was it done with the vacuum advance from the distributor disconnected?


Also, I know you replaced the head gasket but did you get the head checked out before putting it all back together?

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Adam, i got the oil pump all squared away. i think the timing is just a little retarded. apparently the cam sprocket i have is really stupid, no marks on it haha thats why we had troubles. could still be a tooth off? Originaly we took everything appart wih the distributer and vacuumm on if thats what you are asking

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  • 5 weeks later...

so.... im not over heating anymore and the wagon is running awesome, but i am just oozing oil. i replaced the oil pan gasket and i redid all the gaskets that i messed with during the head gasket deal. i can figure out where all this oil is coming from because its all over everything. looks like its mostly coming from the passenger side, closer to the fire wall because there is a patch on the under side of my hood of oil and always a little pool of oil on my fuel filter thingy. the clear cylinder on the fuel line. i dont think its the head cause whatever it is its spraying everywhere and im not seeing any coming from the head. 

im leaking so much that i can fallow a dribble trail from the front of my complex to my appartment. like i said its all over everything so i cant pin point where its coming from. Any ideas? its even running down my exhaust pipe and dripping in the middle of the wagon because of it haha. the cross member is disgusting 

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Take it to the car wash and hose that bitch off,, don't spray anywhere near distributor or carburator NO WHERE NEAR ..

  Just start at the middle on the sides and work your way down ,, you should be able to see where the new oil at least comes from pretty close.. I use just the high pressure soap , forget the "engine cleaner" that's just a ripoff..


Buy yourself a can of WD40 and some paper towels in case you wash out the distributor somehow,,, BUY IT BEFORE YOU START,, better safe than stranded.. Again dont spray the dizzy or the carb cuz if you do,, you be fuckin up.. :cool:

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