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1972 datsun wagon

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Yo everyone relax.. He is from Gonzales. Like almost all of the town is field workers, so he might be 1st gen american..





Whelp,,, Ratwagon 1600 isn`t American so not sure how that is an excuse.




Unless your being funny....Then yes,,  to qoute another member,, Yan Can Cook!!




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I used to watch the shit out of that show. I met him once when he was doing a cooking demonstration at a mall in Bakersfield, CA. Really funny guy.



Yan is good but his recipes are pretty complicated,,,,,, I like the Simply Ming dude that cooks three different meals with the same main ingredient better he makes some pretty nosh shit........ But i dig Nick Stellino the most cuz he uses easy to copy examples and easy to find in a normal store, ingredients ..



God i'm hungry now

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I do not think so it got to be mostly "on location" around the world tour and i have come to realize because of my youngest i will never go out of the states ever again so watching travel shows is really depressing..

And maybe your older than you think Peter Pan


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Can I be an honorary American?


I have visited the U.S.A and we do speak the same language (sort of).




Does that mean I can be an honorary Australian?


Ive visited Australia, we do speak the same language (sort of), and Ive slept with a few Aussie ladies... 



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Does that mean I can be an honorary Australian?


Ive visited Australia, we do speak the same language (sort of), and Ive slept with a few Aussie ladies... 




Of course you can be an honorary Aussie Tristin.


This is despite the fact you (allegedly), when you were here (on the wrong side of the country I might add) committed the heinous crime of allowing an Abo to steal your drink.



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Of course you can be an honorary Aussie Tristin. This is despite the fact you (allegedly), when you were here (on the wrong side of the country I might add) committed the heinous crime of allowing an Abo to steal your drink.


Fucking Abos... he didnt steal my drink, he stole my soul. We were walking through a park full of those fuckers when they accosted us looking for change. Since I had been in the country all of about 15mins I had nothing to spare (not that I would have given anything up anyway). So he in turn said that he would take both mine and my buddies souls instead. 


Needless to say we were creeped the fuck out and got high tailed it out of there. 

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^__^ ahh racisum knows no borders
Before you get too excited ace, I've been bestowed a "skin name" by a group of indigenous people.


PM me if you want more details, although, my explanation of indigenous Australian customs, and my integration with them may be lost on you.


P.S. I've also been called a "gubba" (a racist etipath towards a white fella) by indigenous Aussies till they got to know me.


No Racism here, just a dose of reality!


Anyway, Datsun, Datsun, Datsun, and, OP, use the search function :)

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Before you get too excited ace, I've been bestowed a "skin name" by a group of indigenous people.



Well this American indiginous person gives you skin name of.






One who needs to clean garage

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