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Newbie from CO

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Hello Ratsun!


My name is Jake, I live in Colorado Springs currently. I dont own a Datsun at the moment, but ive been waiting for the right one to come along for a while now. Ive also worked on more than a few of them over the years, from 240s, 260s, and a couple 510s.


Anywho, figured id pop in and say hey, introduce myself and so-on!



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Welcome from downunder Jake.



Even if you don't have a Datsun (yet) post some pics of something to keep the Ratsun picture whores happy.



Pics of your daily driver or even better, revealing shots of a female will earn you bonus Ratsun karma points.

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thats the mitsu prevo isnt it with 4 wheel steering ?


Its a Galant. 



Welcome to the site. I come from a background of DSMs and another member (RaptorReed) is a prior GVR4 owner... you may know him under the same name from a number of the Galant forums. 

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Not certain what the mitsu prevo is...? This is Mitsu's first attempt at WRC, they only sent a grand total of 3009 to the states over 2 years; 2000 in 1991 and 1000 in 1992, the other 9 were over for testing purposes thanks to uncle sam.


Again, appreciate the warm welcome. If you cant tell, im a fan of being a tad different. The GVR4 is my only car, kind of a middle finger to those people who say DD'ing a large turbo car is impossible.... :) because im cool like that!



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Lol wait...when did I get another VR4? I've been contemplating it, but so far I've only owned 1350/2000 and that was stripped and sent to the junkyard 2yrs ago.

I just play with J-tins now and quite contempt with my 2nd gen Galants.


Tendril are you trying to say Pre-Evo lol? There was a Evo spec (1st Evolution before the Evolution line went onto the Lancer platform) in '91. The Four wheel steering is actually not crazy at all, wheels only move 1.5 degrees either way, in direction of the front tires, and only at 30mph and above. DSMs had active toe in which is actually Passive Four Wheel Steering, Galant VR4s just had an extra steering rack added to the rear that forces the movement of the toe.



It actually wasn't Mitsubishi's first attempt in the WRC, The Lancer was the first one to win a WRC rally in 1974 :).

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Well, mybad red. I thought he was referring to another red-something-or-other from gvr4.org.... Apologies. You know the interwebs. Where thers one red this, theres one red that.


So-and-so(sorry, the mobile app doesnt allow me to multi-quote), yes, the 675 is slow, especially compared to my 2002 Fz1 and 2008 r1. Honestly, its the flickability that i love of the 675. THINK anout where you want to turn and BOOM, you're there. Let's just chalk it up to snaller bike; faster corners.



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