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Painting VS Powered Coating, what's better?


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Paints labeled as "engine paint" are usually formulated with a higher ceramic cotent to withstand chemicals tha may drip or leak onto it. That said, you can buy most engine paints in pint or quart sizes and use a touch-up gun to spray it on for a show quality finish. I rarely do this, I usually save this for resto quality builds.


Eastwood sells it for spray guns:



And if you want a cool vintage color in a spray can:


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Lol how did I miss this..... I have done a ton of blocks it's not for everyone.... The simple of it is powder has a far larger film build then paint and the added thickness and durability of powder is advantageous but at the expense of internals operating temp. Expect in a high performance engine about ten percet more temp retention and with paint it's almost nil....... And those are simple colors ...... I have done tri costs pearls on blocks too but again more coats more film build and more film build is just like a extra blanket in bed when its cold out l......I have done thousand hp 2jz and blown big blocks they all look great and are durable just be prepared to deal with heat dissipation if its a stock l series u probably won't have to deal with any of the above issues as they run fairly cool to begin with....I thought about powdered my bbf in my jet boat but but decided against it as the whole rest of the motor is powdered and like was mentioned earlier the stippling or casting on a block does have a purpose ... Like a golf ball it increases surface area and coolin is paramount..

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Just talked to my powder coat guy-he said that to do it to where you could drive it every day would run you $1500.00.Lot of prep work including about 6 hours of baking.

You need to find a new powder coater...... He is doing u a disservice by shooting u lies to discourage u so he won't have to do it..... Unless its a home setup .... Then u should find a new powder coater anyway

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And it's not the info about sweating the block ...z it's the 1500 bux so u could drive it daily... U can daily a powder coated block regaurdless...the prep work he claims is all standard with cast parts..... No matter a block or a cast piece of lawn furniture and if u have a proper set up and a true powder oven it only takes 20 minutes to get core temp up to 400 degrees Even the crappiest of ovens ..... For a engine block.....u only charge 1500 bux if your doubting your prep work and the steps to do the job right.... Z train u need to find another coater.....

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