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i got fired from wal-mart. -__- {^__^}

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Skib" data-cid="814386" data-time="1355734106"><p>

<span rel='lightbox'><img src='http://www.dailyhaha.com/_pics/how-to-get-fired-from-walmart.jpg' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /></span></p></blockquote>


Told that bitch like a baws!

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I do have a trade i work on cars, computers, tile, carpet, carpentery, and a few other things. Also i got a new job already at a drift shop here already.


I dont know how the facility i used to work for is still open. And i wouldnt complain if it was like other stores but its not. We should only pull all new.freight and like 12-20 overstock from.previous days but our crew would pull 320+ pallets of over stock it would take 3 1/2 hours with 4 people to do it but we only would.be able to have 2 while the other two pulled new freigt so it would be 7 hours of pulling but.no these pieces of shit expect half the workers to do the same as if we had a full crew.



Yeah but do you have any certificates?  Any schooling to back this, so you can get into a trade job?  Having some experience does help.... but an ASE or many years experience helps out big time, any on the job experience for years in tile, carpet, or carpentry?

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I've had way more than plenty shit jobs, Amy's kitchen one of the most discriminating job I've had to date with a bunch of jealous mexicans even all my bosses and supervisors were Mexican. I worked my ass off in that job and they knew firing me was a mistake because they never found a better replacement.


Just move on and get a different job there are dickholes everywhere.

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No certs i know wouod help alot if i had them but i got into some trouble few years ago and now im barely getting back on track in life. i just know how to do em been doing stuff since i was like 7-8 got my first job when i was 11 in mexico would go help my uncle do tile when i cam back from mex. Im 23. I know im young but i wouldnt complain if i would be like others living from there mother and father i have been independant since i was 17

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walmart ripped me off by selling me used broken ipod when i went buy a 300$ new one from them.  it was shrink wrapped and looked completely legit.  despite waiting and complaining for hours, i still never got my money back.  ive always known about their shitty business practices but that was what caused me to boycott.  


in the local news recently, some woman bought an ipad from them, same deal, it was in shrinkwrapped.  when she gave it to her daughter to open for her birthday, it had only a legal notepad in it.   the woman went to a local news station and they prodded walmart into giving her a full refund.  wish i had done that

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I had a tranny once that jumped out of reverse.



I do have a trade i work on cars, computers, tile, carpet, carpentery, and a few other things. Also i got a new job already at a drift shop here already.



That's not a trade I'm afraid. That's called being a 'Jack of all trades, master of none'. It is experience though, so you may have enjoyed one that's worth pursuing. A drift shop job is not going to last and that's no security for the future. Drifting is a fad that came and will go soon enough. Carpentry will be around forever or until the trees are all gone.

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I want to get ase and smog certs but got bills. Soon i hope

on the other you may want to call bullshit on this but um ive driven 200miles since i topped off the tank its about to hit half so i topped it off again. 4.7 gallons. Umm aint that a stupid amound of mpg????? o_O

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I want to get ase and smog certs but got bills. Soon i hope

on the other you may want to call bullshit on this but um ive driven 200miles since i topped off the tank its about to hit half so i topped it off again. 4.7 gallons. Umm aint that a stupid amound of mpg????? o_O

Highway. 4speed stock rearend

It's not stupid only unbelievable. Over 42.5MPG no. You read your odometer wrong and probably went 100 miles instead.

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