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Anybody here with a functional ebrake?

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Yep, mine works.


Now I've answered your question, and using my psychic abilities (enhanced by some Jack Daniels and coke), I would assume you are having problems with your Ebrake (we call them handbrakes) and need some advice??


Sorry mate, I'm trying to be nice here, but, your post makes about as much sense if asking if a girl has a vagina.

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Often the rear caliper swap isn't compatible with the e-brake cable on your car and some leave it off or don/can't get it right.


The S110 200sx and early S12 have a cable to just behind the axle where there is a linkage that pulls rods that connect to the caliper in towards the center of the car to apply the brake.

The Maxima sedans have conventional cables to each rear wheel similar to drum brakes.

The Pathfinder rear discs have a separate e-brake that is a miniature drum brake with shoes.


None of the above have a vagina.

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