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Some hard learned lessons from my younger days, When it comes to banking.

Have your bank disable your atm cards when you have no funds. The banks are all to happy to let you buy the .69 cent coke at McDonald's and add a 35 dollar overdraft fee.

If you have a credit card at the same bank add a link to that card to cover outstanding autodrafts and written checks. Keep a 20 dollar bill in a center console for emergencies.

If you can have 2 months of expences in checking before adding deposits to your savings. I use to max my savings and than bounce atm expences. I was the banks best customer i would hoard money in savings and than bounce checks.


Very wierd that with 11 years of bi-weekly check deposits the bank would hold the check that long. Could the check be damaged ? Maybe the check number was unreadable.

Anyway man this sucks for you sorry dude.. it's easy for people to say don"t live paycheck to paycheck !!


Good luck with the bank


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What in the fuck????


Whats up with all the hate Bro!! Keep all your money in the bank I don't care. This thread is about people with money in the bank an hit with b.s fees. If you are a real player with $$$$ walk in to your local bank an with draw over 15 K see if they will give it to you on the spot ( They Will not Give your your Money)


Some one was selling a 510 an there was a house for sell in the back ground

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