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4a-ge motor as good ? To sr20 or ka

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Its a older style celcia from the 70s or 80s the 4age had differ gen motors they built over the year this one would be the older 4a not the newer style we where talking about ... I'm trying to throw thoughts and options out there to see which way I'd like to go


I barly have any help as it is I'm a alone ranger going in blind yes.... I'd like a nice clean motor with the up and go I'm also limited to resources ( hick country ) rite now I have my l18 running had some carb work to do also set the idle


I'd like to have a sic sleep in a 620 leaving people clueless

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Is that in a 510 ? Or 620


It's a 1200. Which is the only car in your list in your first post that makes any sense. Surely not a truck.

And it's already been said, but the Celica/20R/22R idea has been done, but it is NOT really an upgrade. It's the type of thing where if you have an engine just sitting there. Cheap in the junkyard is close, but not close enough.

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geezus youre going about this the wrong way...


if you dont have the resources, then youre better off just stopping right there..


this is the same shit we hear from almost every nooblet... "whats a bolt in way to go faster???"


you got into the wrong vehicle to try this shit with...youd prolly be better off with a honda, so you can bolt of all your 'upgradez',, either that or the good ol 350 cuz you in hickville like you said...


its time for you to do some research on youre own, and stop waiting for everyone to spoon feed ya.. start figurin it out..

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Ahh haha. Well I'm asking good questions honest nothing wrong with that all i do is research and write shit down think more and research more then I ask the possibilities ..... Being I love trucks I rather have the implant of car into a truck haha ya well I don't like Hicksville much honestly ..... If I had it my way I'd fuck this truck up good with a GM 4 banger SS/sc motor from a cobalt lol .... I'd figured I stay forgien lol gosh ... Call me noob Idc it's better to ask then. Not ask at all :)

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I love the style of this motor not sure what it is.


I'll live with trying to think of something then. If its a sr20 or ka I'll live with that then


ok dude a few things one this is an n/a sr20 with itb's


second of all the way an engine looks should not be the reason you choose an engine. you should choose an engine that will give you the best bang for your buck in this case that would be a ka cheap plentiful and relativly easy to fab in

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I was talking about the 20V he pictured. The engine is just sitting in the car... that's the easy part. Fuel? Cooling system?


Aha, but you're forgetting about the idea of the head swap. It's remarkably easy. Now the motor is starting to become a bit rare unfortunately. Agreed on the cooling and fuel delivery, but aren't these the same points made for any EFI swap? Just sayin'.




I love the style of this motor not sure what it is.


I'll live with trying to think of something then. If its a sr20 or ka I'll live with that then


That's an SR dude. It's got a custom valve cover but SR just that same, kinda looks like a later model to me but it's so custom it's hard to tell.


better to ask then. Not ask at all :)

Agreed. Confucius had a saying

When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it – this is knowledge

You are allowing yourself to be open to knowledge which is a good thing.


Everyone is a 'noob' at some point. It's willingness to learn that allows us to move past this point.


To get back on subject however, I understand what you're trying to do, not sure if I 100% agree with it, but I do understand. One thing you are going to have to keep in mind, this is a 30+ year old truck. When and if you swap the motor, number one, the truck was never meant for this kind of power and you will want to think about upgrading your rear end. Also, these things honestly handle like shit at anything above 60mph IMO.


I've been slowly learning something. I've always been from the school of 'faster faster faster', always making every mod possible to eek out that much more power and speed. I still have that, but not with this truck. It's a different kind of enjoyment. It's difficult to explain, but it's just as enjoyable driving my lil' truck that's so slow it's in the way but a piece of history in a sence.


Also keep in mind it is a truck so try to keep it functional as a truck, or you might as well get a car and save your self a ton of work.


Sorry for the book.

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No it's all understandable yes it's a piece history to me also it's not all often here in south Dakota that u see a Datsun pop up and drive the streets


Yes I love the thought of knowledge the more I kno the better I come to kno the outcome if it's good or bad idea I want to get the best deal for my buck that why I'm asking question yet people get mad over it ?? Sure I'll be butt hurt bahaha let me file a report lol jk. I kno I'll have to update a lot. Things yet keep it Looking old skool I love the line of it ... It looks mean the style is great.... If one has a dream why not let other beat u down where u plain throw in the towel of others can do it why can I ?


I can see the carb set up is typical to most motors The valve cover is sweet it's eye catching. Isn't that point when guys do motor swaps. It's work all around ... What the hell do I kno. I'm not the age most users on here.

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Dunno, for me looks are only a small part of it. Function is a part, reliability and for what you need power is a part, price and what you can get in your area is another part, and ease is also a major part. After all that athstetics are pretty minor after all is said and done.


And I do somewhat agree with farmer joe as far as not having the resources can be a major problem. I'm quite fortunate living in car mecca, Southern California, so I do have an abundance of resources. But I have been in this situation. The 4AG, there's plenty you can do with it, but only if you have coin. It's becoming an increasingly rare platform as the RWD model only existed for 4 years in the states and 5 years in Japan, ending it's run in 1987, making it 25 years old.


To make it what you are looking for, not just another old looking motor, it's probably going to need a rebuild, complete custom fuel and water delivery as your truck is carbed, unless you plan on swapping to carbs, instant 15%+ horse power drop by the way if you do that unless you dump in tons of money and work (even then it's still gonna be a decent drop in power from stock). You'll have to completely re-wire the engine bay, get everything in the dash to match up, not as easy as it sounds. This isn't all of it.


Now don't let this list discourage you at all, I'm just trying to give you a realistic look at what you're in for doing a swap like this. The reason everyone keeps bringing up the KA is it's plentifull and cheap. If you're willing to go single cam, the Nissan hardbody trucks all have this motor. I actually like the look of the single cam too.


This one's not too bad. I'll have to get some pick of my engine bay in my 240, it's actually much cleaner than this by a fair amount.


The main thing is to figure out what YOU want and fuck what everyone else says. A project car is a very personal thing. I've taken many ideas from other peoples builds, and in many cases, also don't care for many ideas. As long as it's what you want and you like it, that's all that should matter. Get an idea first though and go from there.

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If I had the resources like u have out in cal I'm sure a fair most don't kno what south Dakota is all like u come here it's like the boonies honestly .... I'm sure most Dakotans would stare at people from that area.... Its not like u see a 240z fly around here every day u see 2500 gmc dodges Chevys etc yes I like to be different it's a lesson learned. Yes I like to have some great power I can do all the fab work when it comes to electric ill need a hand which that will be a bitch to get the help needed I haven't had time to think Cuzs I'm thinking paint atm which I'm about to sand down I also want to think power also here. I have a better idea which way I might go it cost money which I kno.... What isn't a challenge theses days to modernize older with newr shit?

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nismo dr said

what's different about an abandoned half swapped Datsun, I see those all the time











It wasn't easy. I did a good 80% of this myself with no help only a Haynes manual


Good work saving an old Datsun. Now slap a Ratsun sticker on it and call it good.

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You're gonna need a new battery when you finish the motor swap,,,, , they only last for 5 years,,, but you could buy one now, and use it to start the stock 620 motor


...... you have a blue air-cleaner on a L-series,,,, if you can't get it started,,, ,,, there's your problem

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Why would a carb cause problesm turning over the engine? Even if you took off the carb and left a big gaping hole in the manifold it will turn over easy. That sounds like a battery issue. I wouldn't touch the carb unless it turns over easy but won't start.

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Again, the motor is as old as the one you are already working with. Also, it's around the same size as your currnet motor, the largest gen 1 celica motor is the 20r which is only a 2 liter. most likely it's an 18r or 19r, a bit more common in the states from what I've read. Still SOHC still carbureted. You're looking at a hell of a lot of work for little to no gain.


The motors you might be thinking of is the later 22RL which is a tough motor, but not powerful. But when I say tough, I mean you can practically do anything to the damn thing and it'll keep on going. Honestly one of the most reliable motors ever made.

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The other motor I posted one of those z24 that most everyone is talking about which is the 83 d21 I guess u can change them out with the. Z block and slap the L head on it ...


That one was the 18r idk yet I might lean to that sr20 with a 6 speed

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