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ratty datsun bashing

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For every douche that snickers, there are 1000 people who walk up to you and compliment the car and comment on the Datsun they (or their family) had.


Built, not bought. Cheap, yet expensive. Reliable, yet require constant tinkering. Some are ratty, some are showroom clean...yet they are all beautiful(even if it so ugly it is attractive).


Ratty Datsuns are the kind of date you do not want to bring home to mom...loud, rough around the edges, dirty(who knows what you will catch by getting inside one), cheap, often quick, and have a way of either making your day or breaking your heart. Sure there are plenty of others that would look better or "ride" better, but they often cost more, require more maintenance, and sometimes just aren't as much fun.


With that being said, forget the haters, drive a Ratsun.

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I also laugh when there is bashing. No way I would let a Torass owner see me get pissed over just that. My Datsuns are paid for, cheap on insurance get good enough mileage, look GREAT, fun to drive and even fix. Who ever points at a Torass and says...." Oh look it's a Taurus!" or gives them a :thumbup:




Well said Mike.



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I love my truck and wish I had the never ending funding to fix her up proper all at once.. I mean I'm still fixing and replacing and kens cutting and welding so EVENTUALLY shell be a nice little mud crawler (this little truck of mine is not meant to be fixed as a pavement princess) but to fix her all at once would be a lovely thing :)

Beings as my toad in a flat bed noone sees her inner potential and beauty alls they see is a beat up old farm truck

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HEY! What's wrong with a Taurus? I own a 2006 and it is a great,reliable family car! But yeah I hear smack talk about my old 80 truck all the time. I have put a lot of hard work into it. It may be old and primer black but I love it.

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badass!!! my wife is a pony collector. she would love this!



but back to the subject at hand, i have had people tell me i should get a newer car that gets good mileage.... i ask em why? my beater ass truck gets 30+, looks cool and can haul more than most newer cars. yes i can only fit 2 ppl comfortably but i have squeezed 4 in before. plus most "newer" cars after 94 just dont have any style. corrolas, after teh AE92 are kinda, blah. now i do like the sentras, own one currently, but hondas, toyotas, mk3 and newer VWs (to me anyway) are just plain vanilla to me. plus its a challenge to find things worth putting $$ into that not only looks cool, but you can beat the ever living piss out of and have it go "ok, was that supposed to tickle?" this last week i got so pissed off at work, i was shifting my 38yo truck at 6k and dropping the clutch after a 200rpm drop. it sounded like it was gonns shake apart but i drove her yesterday and she was smooth as glass. ok slightly pitted glass but glass non the less :D

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Sounds like my truck.. I've stuffed 5 people and the baby in my truck (even though max bodies should only be 3 in it) and if my u joint (gods I hope that's what's wrong) was fixed shed be smooth as hell. Took her out capital forest on easter and thought she was gonna fall apart.. hit pavement and she drove perfect.. yeah I might have some minor issues that need fixed, but being as new as I am I can work on my own truck by myself... I look under ive hood of the new cars and get confused... my boyfriend took all the smog bs off and everything is so basic under the hood.. so far since I've had this truck (I paid $100 for a truck with no motor that had that green moss algea crap all over it and it was a frog green) I've gone through 2 motors (the first was a pile of shit just to get me by and the 2nd is a datsun bill built) gone through 3 altinators (because cut rate really is crap but the closest parts store near me), but shes STILL goin down the road

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I had one of the haters talking :poop: to me it was my brother in law. He would always say that his piece of shit 95 5.0 can out run me. WHY DID YOU BUY THAT? he swears that he knows about cars. I do the work on his piece of shit, not cause i want to but i do it to talk my own shit. The other day he called me that his crap didnt make home it died on him so i drove in my DATSUN got there and he said " why did you bring your truck? ". I told him to tow your crap home. He said not with that its not going to make it, it wont pull my car. So i tied it up started to pull with no problem and on the way to his house everyone in the street was laughing at him cause a Datsun was towing his :poop: home thats why its called a "LITTLE HUSTLER" I LOVE MY 620. F**k all haters. Like my gramp's always said " they are not hating they just wish they had one" :fu: so keep on trucking LITTLE HUSTLER'S. WILDCOUNTRYROAD IT LOOKS GOOD TO ME.

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I love my truck. Ive yet to find a truck I can pay 800 bucks for and do no major maintenance, fire it up and go wherever the hell I want. Plus I havent done any bodywork and all the cool kids think its the most bitching looking truck ever.


Just laugh at them while they fork over the cash to the dealership just to look at their polished turds.

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I'm about fuckin tired of my truck getting bashed on just because it isn't. A car.. then I posted today that I'm getting another b210 (I'm getting rally datto (evan)'s old white 77 b210) and the same person "does it run andd have a backseat?" I said nope its another pos 2w seater truck (that pissed em off even worse) I get on again a lil later to find one one of my pics I took last Friday while I was behind my passenger seat (kinda comfortablely) I snapped a pic of my oldest daughter crashed out on the way home, said friend blew the pic of with datsun bashing and basically calling us pos parents cuz we put our family of 4 in my kingcab (I usually look past this kind of bs but every time I post ANYTHING about my truck or pics she thinks she has to bash on us for not having a car.. gawds I strongly dislike people who think they need to tell me "its cruel to stuff my kids behind the seat" my oldest daughter doesn't even take up half the space in the back and the baby is always buckeled in the front... sorry for the bitching but this really set me off tonight..

Noone ever took into consideration that ken and I don't have a "family car" because the right one hasn't popped up for the right price (untill now)

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once we get the white b210 going well be able to "park" one of our trucks to fix the "little shit" that we never had time to cuz they're our dailys.. my little trruck can haul about a ton of hay why the fuck would I wanna get rid of my compact 1 ton? I bet I could haul a 2 horse straight load with 1 horse easy peasy

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If this person keeps bugging you, then block/ignore/punch them. I would just get over it and not worry about it. Drive whatever you like and everyone else can GTFO.


Well said sir, plus 10 internets for you.

And I wish I had a working camera, I'd post up my POS 280z. I looks like hell, but I've kept up with the lotuses and porshes around town like it's nothing :rofl:

I love the truck, don't change it or EVER get rid of it. Trust me, you'll regret it.

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When ken and I first hooked up he gave me a 620 4wd that went straight from the datsun dealer to some pro 4wd shop in oregon it had 2 body tags and everything.. well long story short we had "broke up" and my dumbass not knowing what I had (it was my first datsun and I didn't understand then what all the hype was about) sold it for $400 and the cab and bed was mint alls it needed was a carb and barrings for the front axle thinger (I still don't know much but now I'm WANTING to learn) gawd I was a dumbass just cuz I couldn't afford the parts and lost intrest cuz I couldn't drive it NOW... boy was I a dumbass and I'm regretting selling it (the people bout it for just the running grear and probably scrapped the body)

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If this person keeps bugging you, then block/ignore/punch them. I would just get over it and not worry about it. Drive whatever you like and everyone else can GTFO.


tristan.... u qualify for this statement about your wheels

... hahahahah Just kidding..

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if i listened to what people think about my car, i would be another honduh douchebag with a ps3 in my car playing fast and the furious non stop, all that matters is you like your car.


good job jalen yeah actually if u listened to us ... u might be dead....long live zebra tape....tristan uses it too...(tristan did u say u had wide hips.....)

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its hot.....tritan made a g string out of some and wears moon boots and dances to micheal mcdonalds greatest hits...

:huh: wow..... interesting mental image....I hope he covers Zelda's eyes so as not to scar the poor pup for life!
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