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Need specialty 521 tool

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I found this pic on one of PAC's threads(hope you don't mind man!)


I have the long bar to twist and lower my spare tire, but I don't have the little crank piece with the square hole

I know it's a shot in the dark but

anybody got one they don't want that I can buy from you?


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Damm that hood is a POS...:cool: Id check all the yards around you & in EVERY Datsun! The same tool was used in most of them.

thanks man:)

I'll do my best, but from what I've seen, we've got slim pickin's in Idaho.

seems like the west coast states are much more datsun saturated

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BIG cresent wrench/vice grips works as a substitute on the side of the road :rolleyes:

haha yeah for sure. I know I could if I needed to. but it would sure be cool to get the original

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actually those are getting hard to come buy. harder than the jack and the long rod. the bag spinner and lug are the toughest. sorry i dont have a spare. i usually search "datsun jack" on ebay.


i recently seen a jack setup that had a sheath for the long rod.

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dood thanks!

I was totally putting in the wrong words on my ebay search.


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damn bro, you had the fastest reply on that ever. you notice the two different spinners? some people dont like the one with both bars at the end like in the z auction. they like the single version like in the other auction from the 620. $60 is kinda spendy for that 3 piece setup i think.


the second auction i linked is from the completed listing's under advance search most people dont even know about.

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damn bro, you had the fastest reply on that ever.

haha yeah I'm kind of on the computer all day at my job


the second auction i linked is from the completed listing's under advance search most people dont even know about.

yeah I ALWAYS check ended stuff. I've gotten some killer outside of ebay deals that way:D


thanks again for the helpful attitude. it's guys like you that make this forum RAD

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I am actually missing hte lug wrench but have everything else. Heh I just lowered my spare the other day for the first time on my 521 since I've owned it. Damn chipmonk penthouse under there!! (But I was amazed how easy it came down, thought for sure it would be frozen.)

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after reading this tread, i'd thought I better go see if I have a spare--- yep it's there but flat :eek: , looks like the original tire, I better go get that fixed before I need it and yep I got ALL the original jackn equipment behind the seat. it does pay to read all the post. I'm glad this subject was brought up -- thanks.

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after reading this tread, i'd thought I better go see if I have a spare--- yep it's there but flat :eek: , looks like the original tire, I better go get that fixed before I need it and yep I got ALL the original jackn equipment behind the seat. it does pay to read all the post. I'm glad this subject was brought up -- thanks.



glad my curiosity could be of help :D

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