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Datsun Matsuri

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Alright everyone, the time has come. After a lot of work on sponsorships, T-shirt designs, registration systems, web sites and so on... REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!!! Woohoo.


Registration is 20 bucks if you get on it and register now. I really don't want to charge a higher fee if you register late but there are lots of preparations to take care of so the sooner people register the easier it is for me and our sponsors.



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Registration Update


Well, things are looking really good. With only 4 days since opening up registration here's where were at:


Total of 17 owners / cars registered

8 from Alberta

7 from BC

2 from Washington


Vehicles mix:

7 Roadsters

3 510s

3 Zs

3 ZXs

1 520 truck


About 30 emails inquiring with "promises" of registering soon.


So, we're looking good after just 4 days.


If you're planning on attending, please register early and book your accommodations early as well. http://www.myautoproject.com/datsun-matsuri-2012-event-registration/


Let me know if you have any questions.

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Well Im still working on the car. I'm just not registering until i actually get the car road worthy and i know i can actually get the car to the show. I just have to fix some fuel sytem problems and i dont know yet how big of an issue it will be.

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Sounds like a lot of other guys at this time of year. I'm in the same boat. There is a giant gaping hole in my car where the engine is supposed to be. Keep plugging away at your project...you'll make it. ;)

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Some people have contacted me about a T-shirt for the event but are unable to attend.


To avoid taking orders for t-shirts and dealing with the hassle of collecting payment, delivery, etc., I setup one of those on-line, print-on-demand shops so if you want one of these you can order whever you like and have it delivered direct.


I uploaded all of the Datsun Matsuri 2012 event designs. I also uploaded a generic version (if you don't want the event date, etc., on the T-shirt).


Here is the link http://myautoproject.wordans.com/t-shirt-category/datsun-matsuri-2012-t-shirts-10495. The navigation is goofy so if you want to look at all the items you have to dance between the menu on the left and the menu on the right, and the page numbers on the bottom (sigh).


There are T-shirts, posters, iphone skins, etc.


A word about pricing; it isn't cheap. :angry: The base price (my cost) is really high with these print-on-demand shops which leaves very little room for a reasonable mark up. I tried to keep the cost as low as possible. For example, I make a maximum of $5 on a t-shirt (some of the ladies stuff is like $3.08). I am hoping that I can sell enough items to cover the cost of having the artwork done but that is like 100+ shirts. Anyway, my point is...sorry that these are a little spendy.

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if my cars not acting up id love to make the drive! I quickly browsed the sight and this thread, any camping (cheap) available anywhere?


Also, anyone is western wa heading up? itd be sweet to meet up and roll up together. shoot me a pm or let me know if someone else has already organized something!

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Was thinking of attending... We shall see how the car wants to act. It would be my first time driving into Canada and I would hate to be stranded their if the Datto broke down on me. Ill try and make it if I can.


im thinkin the same thing, been to canada many times, but dont wanna break down up there!

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if my cars not acting up id love to make the drive! I quickly browsed the sight and this thread, any camping (cheap) available anywhere?


Also, anyone is western wa heading up? itd be sweet to meet up and roll up together. shoot me a pm or let me know if someone else has already organized something!


Cheap camping? There are lots of campgrounds in the Okanagan. Just depends on what you want. There is one right in Kelowna near the beach about 5-7 minute drive from the event site that I've listed in the accommodations section in the event information. If that doesn't float your boat there are lots in the area but you should book now rather than wait. Things fill up fast in that area.

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Hey guys,


I am really trying to figure out more ways to promote this event so it has occured to me to reach out to Nissan specialty shops across the area from where we'll draw participants.


If you know of any, please let me know (post is fine) and I'll contact them


For example, like them or not, Sumaru's Auto Repair where I live is known as a shop that specializes in Nissans (the former owner races a 240Z GT car).


So, any similar shops you can think of in your area?

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Hey everyone,


Registration is coming along nicely but I do know that, based on the discussions on the various forums where I've posted this, many are taking a wait and see approach before registering. I can appreciate that.


That said, I thought I would share with those of you thinking of coming, why advance registration is important vs just showing up or deciding last minute to attend, so, if you do intend to come, you may consider registering right away vs waiting.


Registration helps me with the following:

  • Most importantly, I need to inform the sponsors of the number of participants I'm expecting so they can ship a sufficient quantity of give away items for registered participants. My deadline is supposed to be May 1st. Of course there will be people who can't register early but if most do, then I can take an educated guess at the final attendance numbers.
  • I need to produce print materials for the participants (ballots, entries for the sponsor supplied prizes, ID cards for cars for the car show, route maps, etc, etc.)
  • I have to inform the Knox Mountain Hill Climb organizers of how many people I am expecting so they can accommodate a reserved space for us at the show.
  • I need to give the folks at the Sunday cruise lunch stop location an estimate of the number of people to expect for lunch.

So, this is really coming together but I do ask for those of you who are coming to please register soon. :thumbup:


Oh ya, and the block of rooms at the hotel are currenly only being held until April 21st. I may be able to negotiate a longer hold but no guarantee.


Hope to see you all there.

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