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what about this guys...once the old L18 300,000 plus motor or gives out should i:

A: Do a complete rebuild, i mean every nut and washer new nothing under turned...aim here is 200 or better right know where at 80hp 90trq

B: SR20DET aim here is about 300 but now in a perfect world 710 horsepower is preety sick

C: KA20 turbo aswell aim here too is around 300

Let me know what you think

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I think you shouldn't post the same question in two different forums. :mad:


Next, it's like asking do you like blondes or brunettes, Macs or PC's.....too open a question with many answers. The L18 is a great little motor and would probably be the cheapest and easiest option. You want to rev? Swap in a SR20. Lotsa torque? Go KA or VG.


Bottom line: What do YOU want AND how much dollars and time are YOU willing to spend?

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yea it was a mess up on the forum thing i let my little cousin on the computer and he copied and pasted it to anything...the same question is sent to like 3 diffrent people on my myspace and twice here...i know he is never gonna get on my computer ever agian...now the brunette and blondes question ill say hell let try both...lol well in all seriousness how much would it cost to get the power figures im looking for

A: Do a complete rebuild, i mean every nut and washer new nothing under turned...aim here is 200 or better right know where at 80hp 90trq

B: SR20DET aim here is about 300 but now in a perfect world 710 horsepower is preety sick

C: KA20 turbo aswell aim here too is around 300

with professional instal
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All of those are going to be in the range of several grand, and each have their pros and cons. The L will be the easiest, just because you don't have to do any fab work. You just have to redo the ENTIRE thing, and even then 200 isn't going to be easily attainable. Look at the 200+ horsepower L20B thread for some ideas. Read: $$$


SR will probably put out the best numbers with the least work, but parts will be tough to find, so you'll likely have to import everything, as well as fabbing up mounts and all. Again, $$$.


The KA will be sort of a cross between the SR and the L... Easier to get parts for, but a lot more fab work than either two. You'll have to custom fab turbo manifolds and put together the turbo kit yourself. Finally... $$$.


Mind you, this is just the basics you're looking at for the install and fab work... Like Peters said, you've still gotta think about what you want out of the engine. Just because they all put out similar numbers, doesn't mean they're all equal.


Do a search... this question has come up many, many times. Look in the Engine and the Projects forums. Look at the Crazy Engine Combo thread in this forum. That should give you an idea of what you're dealing with. But, if you're serious about those numbers, be prepared to dish out a lot of money.

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no well i want to honestly keep my L18 bc of my exhaust system...but i have seen a turbo L18 and someone told me its a bad idea and not worth it...what do u guys think? ooo and uhh if i do end up staying with the L18 does anyone have any idea on how much redoing everything or changing nearly every part in the L18 to new could cost

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I think the main issue with rebuilding the L is finding the parts... I talked to a shop about completely rebuilding an L-Series, and they told me it could be about $3000 for all the headwork (port, polish, new valves/rockers/lifters, more aggressive camshaft, etc), and then maybe about another grand or so to redo the bottom end... bore and hone the cylinders, turn the crank, new bearings, etc. All the gaskets would likely be another $200. The main issue was finding pistons and rods. I could only track them down at a dealership for about $150 per piston/rod/rings. Then, intake mani for sidedrafts would be a few hundred, plus two new Webers would run me about $500 each... In total, I was looking at minimum $6000 for a full rebuild... but, this was from a very reputable shop, and from this side of the border. Down there you could probably get it cheaper, and if you were able to source used or cheaper parts, or weren't planning on getting too much performance work done, it could end up cheaper. Swapping parts likely won't be too expensive, it's the machine work that'll kill you.

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I've never had a set of sidedrafts, but IIRC they're preferable for higher-performance applications due to the intake shape... Because the intake ports are on the side of the head, a downdraft intake has a bend in it to change the direction from downwards to sideways. This bend can slow down the air/fuel mixture and cause pooling at the bend. A sidedraft doesn't have that issue, as the air passes directly through the carb, then straight through the manifold and into the intake.


I may be completely wrong on that, but that's what I recall to be the major difference between the downdrafts vs the sidedrafts.


As for horsepower... I don't really deal with actual numbers. I don't really know how 100 hp feels vs 200 hp. If I'm looking at numbers I'd rather look at torque. But, remember that how the car feels is a result of a lot of different things, not just the engine. But... as far as numbers? On an L18, with that much work done to it, maybe 110 or 120. Maybe more, maybe less. It'll be a screamer though... you should be able to push it to 8,000+ RPM, depending on how well it's rebuilt.

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well as is we have 80 hp 90trq and i can kit 110 in 3rd around 2000 but the shifts before hand were redline all the way! soo i can maybe get to 120 in 4th or more redline is 6500 but i shift at 6000

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I thought the redline was higher... I suppose with some good head work you might be able to get it higher. Have you considered a 5-speed rather than your four-speed? And how fast do you really need to go? I know it's nice to say your truck will do 200+ mph, but how often will you go that fast? As long as you're happy with your highway speeds then work on acceleration.


My J13 has 67 hp @ 5500 rpm... The speedo only goes to 100 mph, but I don't think it'll even do past 80. It's got low gearing in the rear though, so it's a pretty quick off the line...

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yea i have thought of a 5 speed...idk i like the 4 its cool...idk things might change.idk how fast i need to go but i do know i want acceleration! o and

know it's nice to say your truck will do 200+ mph
its not a truck lol its cool this car is rare and if you dont know what it is or have ever seen one, you would think it sounds like a truck
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The L18 is a kick ass little motor, and I regret getting rid of my old one, but it was old as heck, and I wanted change. So I voted for VG and started the process of getting the parts together. Then I went into the Army, went to war, got injured, came back, and realized that I wanted original with a twist. So now I'm going with the L20. More displacement doesn't necessarily mean more power, but having an original 'looking' motor under the hood with Hitachi sidedrafts and some other cool mods means that I get the better counter weighted crankshaft 2 liter motor that is still able to bolt right in to my engine bay. No mods, no flipping x-members, no computer management, no insanity. Just pure, unabridged enjoyment... the way Datsun meant for it to be.

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sweet man...honestly i think i have came to a decison...im going to keep it and redue everything COMPLETLY...i know its gonna be way up there in the price but that something im willing to take...this car could end up soo damm clean it can be in magazines

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