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Want to Donate Hair..

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Hey, so I've wanted to cut my hair for a while(it's gotten pretty long over the past couple years), but I've also been looking for a worthy charity to send it to. I've done some research on some places that take hair donations, and it seems like a couple of the most popular charities aren't actually all they're cracked up to be.


I'm throwing this out there on the off chance that somebody knows of an honorable, legitimate charity to send my hair donation to. I'd like to see it go to someone in need who would actually benefit from it. My first choice would be for it to go towards making a wig for a child with a hair loss condition, but as long as it's going to a good cause and not being sold to a company who makes wigs for models and profit, I'd be happy.


Has anybody done this, or know of a charity that is a worthy cause? I'd rather not send it to a company that bends the truth and takes advantage of peoples' sympathy in order to line their own pockets or promote their own selfish motives. Thanks!

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I tried....but...once it got past the neck line it felt like there was always someone behind me.... :lol:

I failed...had to get it cut

There are worthy places to donate.... wigs for chemotherapy kids was my goal

Google your local.



PICS..??? :D :D :D

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I donate my hair every 3 years.


Locks of love does alot of very shady things, such as tax fraud, denying cancer patients wigs because "they could go to someone who could potentially use it longer", claiming "defects" on there wigs so the can sell them in europe for 3 grand a pop. They pose as a good corporation, and most hair dressers and businesses that cut hair aren't aware of how there practices are.








Go that route my friend and sleep well knowing what you are doing is going towards a good cause. It takes 4 heads of hair to make just one wig so every bit helps.

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I donate my hair every 3 years.


Locks of love does alot of very shady things, such as tax fraud, denying cancer patients wigs because "they could go to someone who could potentially use it longer", claiming "defects" on there wigs so the can sell them in europe for 3 grand a pop. They pose as a good corporation, and most hair dressers and businesses that cut hair aren't aware of how there practices are.








Go that route my friend and sleep well knowing what you are doing is going towards a good cause. It takes 4 heads of hair to make just one wig so every bit helps.


Sweet. Thank you for that input. I've done alot of reading on Locks of Love, and found that it's a corporation that I'd rather not support(I'm aware of their wolf-in-sheep's-clothing ethics).


I haven't read a whole lot about wigsforkids, but I'm leaning towards them. I was told to check out St. Jude, but unfortunately from what I've read, it looks like they take money donations, and not hair, which is a pity. They sound like a worthy charity.

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