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Anyone around Washington Coast(ish) area wanna meet?


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Well if everyone gets bored maybe we can go for a short cruise the only time anyone in elma sees more than 1 datsun at a time is if they're at uncle bills lol.. I hope I can convence him to come.. I can't wait to see you all there (I think I'm more excited about all the datsuns being there than I am about my birthday being that day! Lol)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok time for another head count so I know how many burgers and dogs well need.. I got you few above this counted already, and thusfar my count is about 10.. don't forget your chair and your booze (ill get a few half racks of soda) any other questions or ideas let me know :)

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You take that exit just before them (if your diving down. The freeway towords aberdeen). Then take a left at the stop sign follow that maybe an eigth of a mile to WENZEL SLOUGH ROAD take a right and follow till you see the datsuns.. OR if it would be easier for everyone I could have ken meet people at the bowling alley (the 2nd elma exit past the rest stop take a right and then a left and a immediate left)


Is anyone coming from any other direction besides north(ish)

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You take that exit just before them (if your diving down. The freeway towords aberdeen). Then take a left at the stop sign follow that maybe an eigth of a mile to WENZEL SLOUGH ROAD take a right and follow till you see the datsuns.. OR if it would be easier for everyone I could have ken meet people at the bowling alley (the 2nd elma exit past the rest stop take a right and then a left and a immediate left)


Is anyone coming from any other direction besides north(ish)




I know a guy that was thinking of driving there underground with his tunnel boring machine... What then??

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Guest Rick-rat

My wife is flying to Phoenix on Sunday for 2 weeks, she thought I was taking her to the airport, told her to check the calendar, this was on it before her trip, good thing her daughter will take her, told her this was more important. I can't do both so Ratsun get together won, I'm glad and lucky she is so understanding. I might go pick her up when she comes home

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Your lucky to have an understanding wife :) better do something special for her :)



Ok I have a special request: I need a 620 windshield gasket.. I'm tired of sittin on a soaked seat.. this morning EVERYTHING was soaked in my cab cuz my windshield leaks :( stupid rain I was enjoying the sun ;)

So if anyone coming has an extra gasket would you be willing to sell it? And if so for how much?


Can't wait to see everyone this weekend.. oh and if anyone in the oakvilleish area is interested on the 21st we're planning on makin a run up to the Brooklyn tavern.. let me know if you wanna convoy.. we'll be in kens 4wd

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A chair? Idk I don't even know how manys gonna be there (coming to the conclusion that I'm slightly un prepared..)


Oh yeah, a full tank of gas ;) never know we all might deside to go for a cruise.. I do know noone in elma will ever see so many datsuns in one place unless they've been to uncle bills lol. Oh and uncle bill is gonna show up too idk in what (he's got a running one of almost everything)

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