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Minty Fresh 510


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Ill know more Monday for a schedule and I will know more later in the week if I can afford enough to drive down. JRock called me Dr. Phil, but after some thought Canby isnt a money priority so I wont chance it if I cant afford it.

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Yeah it was... It was actually on about 7 months ago as well. I emailed the guy asking about it and we both gor really busy so nothing went through. I almost bought a TE27 Corolla, but it was sold out from underneath me and I gave up on car hunting. I randomly was on Portlands CL and saw he reposted this 510 again. I messaged him again and within a couple days I drove down and picked it up. Hes an awesome guy... he owns 7 4drs. I think 5 2drs, and a wagon. He mentioned some of them were for sale because he has 18 cars total, but I loved this green and had to have it.
could i get his contact info? i currently have a 75 datsun 620 and am hooked on datsun!! im really looking to get a 510 and put a fully built L20B in it. i was thinking SR or KA but im starting to love the Ls. any info on a cheap 510 project would be greatly appreciated for i work at a body shop and projects are no worries.
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I wont hand out his contact info, but if you PM you info I can send it along to him... I cant promise anything, but I can ate least notify him that youre interested. I havent been getting a lot of the PMs people have been sending me, but Ill give it a shot.

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so, is there any word on when you are shipping me that grill???? I have sent you an email on every email address I have for you and that would be a total of 3 with no answer on either. I would really like to know or I would like my money back for the deal..........

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so, is there any word on when you are shipping me that grill???? I have sent you an email on every email address I have for you and that would be a total of 3 with no answer on either. I would really like to know or I would like my money back for the deal..........


I'd also like a refund for parts I've yet to receive..... And since apparently you're not getting PM's I'd thought I'd post here too.

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whoa whoa whoa.... tristin is no thief... he just started a new job and went from twenty posts a day to like -.05....i know here he lives and i can vouch he will get u handled...if not u can punch me in the nutz and i will go beat the hot topic out of him...i know hes been ass busy with new job... he wasnt even answering his texts.....and if worse comes to worse....im not tristan... and have no problems giving out personal info on the interwebz....he's a stand up twenty something and in this day and age thats rare....heck he might even throw in a free hot topic wallet chain or a groupon for getting your jeans pegged....



oh and tristan fyi....pegged is when we older chaps took our 501 red tag levis to the lady to have the legs pegged.... the original skinny jean....for me know baggy is where its at...and my balls have never been happier



..you do know what levis are right?...nothing says horn ball , like tight as hell 501's and quiet riot blaring through my 7 band e q

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whoa whoa whoa.... tristin is no thief... he just started a new job and went from twenty posts a day to like -.05....i know here he lives and i can vouch he will get u handled...if not u can punch me in the nutz and i will go beat the hot topic out of him...i know hes been ass busy with new job... he wasnt even answering his texts.....and if worse comes to worse....im not tristan... and have no problems giving out personal info on the interwebz....he's a stand up twenty something and in this day and age thats rare....heck he might even throw in a free hot topic wallet chain or a groupon for getting your jeans pegged....



oh and tristan fyi....pegged is when we older chaps took our 501 red tag levis to the lady to have the legs pegged.... the original skinny jean....for me know baggy is where its at...and my balls have never been happier



..you do know what levis are right?...nothing says horn ball , like tight as hell 501's and quiet riot blaring through my 7 band e q


Well I don't know the guy! I made a purchase and it's been 4 weeks, He replied to 1 of my PM's and nothing after that! If he has no time then shouldn't be selling stuff especially if he can't get it out in a timely fashion.

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yeah dave nevermind sorry i tried to help u at all now.... attitude goes along way...do the research everyone raves about doing transactions with him....if two items purchased around the same time both have no shows wouldn't you think its something other than a fellow ratsuner trying to rip u off...especially if that ratsner has thrity pages of look at me and my datsun and everywhere i go and my job struggles and trials and tribualtions....for fucks sake give the kid a break and the benefit of the doubt...it's not like your missing a very expensive grill assembly..(that has a right to be rude...)...and questioning my ability or right to say go fuck yourself to your face is both stupid on yor part and immature....im just saying i was trying to help and u get attitude wiith me ... then expect not to be told to go fuck yourlself...luckily tristan is less confrontational and far more friendly then i ever will be ...u my friend need to learn how to get your way and being a dick isnt the way...even if you feel you got or are getting screwed... ps dont look at facebook for me im not on there...

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yeah dave nevermind sorry i tried to help u at all now.... attitude goes along way...do the research everyone raves about doing transactions with him....if two items purchased around the same time both have no shows wouldn't you think its something other than a fellow ratsuner trying to rip u off...especially if that ratsner has thrity pages of look at me and my datsun and everywhere i go and my job struggles and trials and tribualtions....for fucks sake give the kid a break and the benefit of the doubt...it's not like your missing a very expensive grill assembly..(that has a right to be rude...)...and questioning my ability or right to say go fuck yourself to your face is both stupid on yor part and immature....im just saying i was trying to help and u get attitude wiith me ... then expect not to be told to go fuck yourlself...luckily tristan is less confrontational and far more friendly then i ever will be ...u my friend need to learn how to get your way and being a dick isnt the way...even if you feel you got or are getting screwed... ps dont look at facebook for me im not on there...


I haven't ranted like this at you or used any foul language whatsoever, You have issues and you are definitely being stupid and immature; and I'm gonna leave it at that!

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fuck i am sorry i even tried to help... u get rants when u act arrogant and put out....im sorry i tried to help u find out where your stuff was from tristan..... just goes to show u being a helpfully frinedly person is a waste....tristan will take care 9of u he os more than a stand up kid on here .... hes no jaelen thats fer sure....just nevermind ... i deleted your number and am totally sorry for trying to help facialitate... u cant help people who cant help themselves...... tristan im sorry i got involved i know u will take care of these gents.....wheres the gentleman withthe grill hes the one that should be telling u to stfu since he would be "screwed and out" far more than u claim...hope its sunny in so call cause your pissing all over my nice day in wa...


sorry by your definition I am pissing on my own day...either way now my attitude is not helping so iam just gonna go back to the way it was.....


for anyone reading skip last en posts and immediately read below.....its the interwebs the rest didnt ever happen


edit ten posts back jrock says...


bummer sorry to hear u think u got screwed via a internet deal with tristan... he has a pretty great rep on ratsun but oh well thats buying and selling on the internet... u win some or you lose some....i here the internet police are doing whiner enforcement ;ately ....calll whine -1-1.

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I haven't ranted like this at you or used any foul language whatsoever, You have issues and you are definitely being stupid and immature; and I'm gonna leave it at that!


by the way theres no reason to rant on someone trying to help u.(so why would u be ranting on me to begin with? it was only after a few messages exchanged i could see there was no resolving the harboured anger towards said deal....) again mr sss sorry for getting involved .....theres no reason for me to back up that little shit.... his moral compass is unflappable..his courage is indeniable, (pretty sure u dont have kids so there safe from eating your infants)...my hands are impermiable...his training is inpregnanble......awe its a waste ...tristan handle you bidniits

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so, is there any word on when you are shipping me that grill???? I have sent you an email on every email address I have for you and that would be a total of 3 with no answer on either. I would really like to know or I would like my money back for the deal..........

I'd also like a refund for parts I've yet to receive..... And since apparently you're not getting PM's I'd thought I'd post here too.





tristan wheres my metroid cartridge while were at it


You traded me a set of pogs for that... its mine now. Dont be an indian giver.


I saw this thread was bumped and was expecting to see some sick 510 content. But no.


Haha, yeah Ive been pretty busy with life and trying to stay afloat lately. I havent done much with the car.


New seat covers:




Rocking it at the Old School Reunion:




Funds are tighter than my pants right now (that ones for you Jrock), so I wont be able to get much done for awhile Im sure. Im still going to stick with it and do whatever I can to get making some sort of forward process. I have some smaller plans to get some cash flowing my way so we shall see what happens.

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is that where i got those stupid pogs from ...jesus i got duped .... there in a box with my pickachu collection... nice therupeutic seat covers u old man....looks like something i could benefit from

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