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You both seem to think us older guys didn`t work our asses off in minimum wage jobs for bosses that didn`t give a flying crap whether you were sick or not .And live in the worst dives know to human habitation ( My shampoo actually froze in the bathroom of my first apt ) Just about every thing you younger guys do is hand fed to you and yet you still complain about how hard it is when you are asked to actually do something for yourselves ..Try working on your cars /trucks without using the internets TRY IT I DARE YOU....We had to go to the library ( on our own time) and write the shit down because the copier never worked right..Two clicks and your answers are right in your face and you can save it in your favorites so you dont have to even look it up again..


And on the parenting thing... my kids are total dumbshits but im not so sure it`s all my fault


And i thought my oldest son was being a spoiled butt by not selling Elmerfudpucker his spare parts ...I stand corrected


See, they don't get it.

"We" seem to think that you were able to get a job making a higher minimum wage.


"You" think we're lazy or spoiled or whatever. When we put in 40+ job apps in a week with followups and a big FUCK YOU for trying. Get charged 175$ for a month of insurance. Work our asses off under the table to buy our cars/trucks we can't afford to drive. We complain about doing things for ourselves because in many cases it isn't possible and no one cares, especially our parents, to help us in any way.


"You" (I quote because It's referring to the mentioned age group rather than targeting anyone) Don't understand because "you" most likely have a work history, several references, and maybe some skills. We get turned down by jobs we are overqualified and readily available for because we haven't had that job or don't have a baby to take care of.


I may be ranting (appropriately in a Rant thread)

If you are a White Male under the age of 25 with no kids, this world fucking hates you and doesn't give a damn if you want to survive or not.


Maybe it's not an older generations fault it's this way. But democracy used to be the governing power of the USA, and most didn't give a shit whether they voted for a what to pass or a who to lead. Most have lived their lives with zero concern for how they left the world. Hiding their notgivingafuck behind tree hugging and picketing vietnam. There are easily distinguished lines between 60's, 70's, and 80's kids. Determine by what drugs they were smoking, injecting, snorting (why a high percentage of use are blatant retards) and what war they were against. While your government did whatever the fuck they wanted. Being born in the 90's, shit was goooood. Then they started pumping us full of aphetamines saying we had learning disabilities. Or seratonine inducing uppers for those with "depression". Roast our brains while speedballing watching cat dog and drinking hi-c. And now we're supposed to get jobs we can't have or move out in the cars we cant afford to the places we cant rent.


Wiping out the human race? Great idea! That's great, but more of a long-term thing. I mean, first we have to focus on more immediate goals...





Oh yeah... I bought a shop manual to go with my library of general repair books.

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See, they don't get it.

"We" seem to think that you were able to get a job making a higher minimum wage.


"You" think we're lazy or spoiled or whatever. When we put in 40+ job apps in a week with followups and a big FUCK YOU for trying. Get charged 175$ for a month of insurance. Work our asses off under the table to buy our cars/trucks we can't afford to drive. We complain about doing things for ourselves because in many cases it isn't possible and no one cares, especially our parents, to help us in any way.


"You" (I quote because It's referring to the mentioned age group rather than targeting anyone) Don't understand because "you" most likely have a work history, several references, and maybe some skills. We get turned down by jobs we are overqualified and readily available for because we haven't had that job or don't have a baby to take care of.


I may be ranting (appropriately in a Rant thread)

If you are a White Male under the age of 25 with no kids, this world fucking hates you and doesn't give a damn if you want to survive or not.


Maybe it's not an older generations fault it's this way. But democracy used to be the governing power of the USA, and most didn't give a shit whether they voted for a what to pass or a who to lead. Most have lived their lives with zero concern for how they left the world. Hiding their notgivingafuck behind tree hugging and picketing vietnam. There are easily distinguished lines between 60's, 70's, and 80's kids. Determine by what drugs they were smoking, injecting, snorting (why a high percentage of use are blatant retards) and what war they were against. While your government did whatever the fuck they wanted. Being born in the 90's, shit was goooood. Then they started pumping us full of aphetamines saying we had learning disabilities. Or seratonine inducing uppers for those with "depression". Roast our brains while speedballing watching cat dog and drinking hi-c. And now we're supposed to get jobs we can't have or move out in the cars we cant afford to the places we cant rent.


Wiping out the human race? Great idea! That's great, but more of a long-term thing. I mean, first we have to focus on more immediate goals...





Oh yeah... I bought a shop manual to go with my library of general repair books.







Did you take history in school ???? Read this ..




( WE ) had to bust our ass to find an open job as much as ( YOU )....The un-employment rate was almost as high as it is NOW as in the present ..like today and yesterday.







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Did you take history in school ???? Read this ..




( WE ) had to bust our ass to find an open job as much as ( YOU )....The un-employment rate was almost as high as it is NOW as in the present ..like today and yesterday.








They taught the same history every year since 4th grade. It go's Africa, Europe, colonization, civil war, slavery, ww2, black people after slavery, pres. nixon, cold war, 9/11. Then read it all again the next year in the same fucking book.

So no, nothing from the 80's cept for some Raegan shit.

I went down the to the library and wrote some stuff down cause the copier wasn't working. That 2 year recession can hardly be compared to the current Depression we are in.

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

You both seem to think us older guys didn`t work our asses off in minimum wage jobs for bosses that didn`t give a flying crap whether you were sick or not .And live in the worst dives know to human habitation ( My shampoo actually froze in the bathroom of my first apt ) Just about every thing you younger guys do is hand fed to you and yet you still complain about how hard it is when you are asked to actually do something for yourselves ..Try working on your cars /trucks without using the internets TRY IT I DARE YOU....We had to go to the library ( on our own time) and write the shit down because the copier never worked right..Two clicks and your answers are right in your face and you can save it in your favorites so you dont have to even look it up again..


And on the parenting thing... my kids are total dumbshits but im not so sure it`s all my fault


And i thought my oldest son was being a spoiled butt by not selling Elmerfudpucker his spare parts ...I stand corrected


Well said


I see you got a -1 well I plus 1 you






I have a bad back from working to pay the stuff, I almost lost a finger 20 yrs ago to pay the stuff(plastic surgery worked wonders)

Kids are pampered these days if you dont have a cell,the video game flavour of the week,all the BS...

Go grunt a year in a hard labour job..then you will see how it is really done.

Yeh yeh I will get a neg on this but whatever.


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You didn`t actually read the WIKI did you ?? it wasnt a 2 year thing..And it`s only been 3 years on this one..

The cold war was happening in the 80s ...but yeahwink.gif


Im ok with the neg rep cuz i still gots all mine for the night

and the night is young..laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

The cold war was happening in the 80s ...but yeahwink.gif


Im ok with the neg rep cuz i still gots all mine for the night

and the night is young..laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif



I even'd the odds,and +1


And OP suck it up buttercup...

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

If you'd read the whole thread you would have seen me already state that i admitted kind of being a prick in my OP...sooo...no need for your patronizing comment.



yeh,and was just defining it.. :lol:

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Well said


I see you got a -1 well I plus 1 you






I have a bad back from working to pay the stuff, I almost lost a finger 20 yrs ago to pay the stuff(plastic surgery worked wonders)

Kids are pampered these days if you dont have a cell,the video game flavour of the week,all the BS...

Go grunt a year in a hard labour job..then you will see how it is really done.

Yeh yeh I will get a neg on this but whatever.



I plus you in retaliation.

The pampered cell phone video game of the week kids aren't going to be on ratsun (most likely)

they drive accords.


I did my year+ of hard labor already and trust me I'd rather be doing that than burning up scraped change looking for a ditch digging job while I spend my nights job searching and window shopping for dattos.


You see the bubbly retard pampered kids all the time on your tv etc.

What you don't see is the less fortunate who are thankful for everything we have. So we get called out for being lazy spoiled brats because of the stereotypical 18-21yo

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

I plus you in retaliation.

The pampered cell phone video game of the week kids aren't going to be on ratsun (most likely)

they drive accords.


I did my year+ of hard labor already and trust me I'd rather be doing that than burning up scraped change looking for a ditch digging job while I spend my nights job searching and window shopping for dattos.


You see the bubbly retard pampered kids all the time on your tv etc.

What you don't see is the less fortunate who are thankful for everything we have. So we get called out for being lazy spoiled brats because of the stereotypical 18-21yo



Not all are spoiled...So to those that arent pampered ...Good on yah!!

but quite a few are,tough love is good love..

Sorry if I offened you(you do deserve an apology,and I am not afraid to say it)



But OP is a bit of a whiner(imo)

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yeh,and was just defining it.. :lol:




What has been done cannot be undone, at least I was willing to admit I was wrong and calm down to a mature being, while some people have to continue to stroke the fires that i've already put out.


But either way




Now can we get back to the more important issues....


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What has been done cannot be undone, at least I was willing to admit I was wrong and calm down to a mature being, while some people have to continue to stroke the fires that i've already put out.


But either way




Now can we get back to the more important issues....



You shouldn't stroke a fire. That's just weird.

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Guest 510kamikazifreak



What has been done cannot be undone, at least I was willing to admit I was wrong and calm down to a mature being, while some people have to continue to stroke the fires that i've already put out.


But either way




Now can we get back to the more important issues....




you started a "thread" about it..shoulda insomniaced it...

boobs agreed

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you started a "thread" about it..shoulda insomniaced it...

boobs agreed


Can't be mucking up insomniacs with a mom rant turned into a generation dispute thread. There just isn't room.





We have it worse than you twofinger_salute.gif






And I'm almost done filing for disability.

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Can't be mucking up insomniacs with a mom rant turned into a generation dispute thread. There just isn't room.





We have it worse than you twofinger_salute.gif






And I'm almost done filing for disability.





:blink: sure yah do,what is a payphone? :lol: :P




lost me on that one

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I cant believe what im reading.I feel so lucky now to have been able to bust my ass working in a fast food joint at night and then getting up to go to school dead tired every day.All that just so i could buy my own car and have a life.Man you kids got it so tough nowadays, how do you survive ? let me apologise for all of us 40 to 60 year olds who screwed everything up for you.Seriously kids lighten up a little,your attitude is not going to get you very far.

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I cant believe what im reading.I feel so lucky now to have been able to bust my ass working in a fast food joint at night and then getting up to go to school dead tired every day.All that just so i could buy my own car and have a life.Man you kids got it so tough nowadays, how do you survive ? let me apologise for all of us 40 to 60 year olds who screwed everything up for you.Seriously kids lighten up a little,your attitude is not going to get you very far.


Sorry, we already wrapped this up, please relocate your pity party.


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Guest 510kamikazifreak

I cant believe what im reading.I feel so lucky now to have been able to bust my ass working in a fast food joint at night and then getting up to go to school dead tired every day.All that just so i could buy my own car and have a life.Man you kids got it so tough nowadays, how do you survive ? let me apologise for all of us 40 to 60 year olds who screwed everything up for you.Seriously kids lighten up a little,your attitude is not going to get you very far.



Wasnt me .. :P

But agree.. :cool:

heck keep fueling it...

is a good discussion..

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:blink: sure yah do,what is a payphone? :lol: :P




lost me on that one


I used to use a lot of payphones, hard to find now. Occasionally I get a cell for a month like a cool kid.


I was supposed to start getting disability when I was 16 but at the time I was like "FUCK YOU I'M NOT DISABLED I DON'T WANT YO MONIES." Now I'm a little older, still disabled, and wish I would have done it when it was easier and guaranteed.


I cant believe what im reading.I feel so lucky now to have been able to bust my ass working in a fast food joint at night and then getting up to go to school dead tired every day.All that just so i could buy my own car and have a life.Man you kids got it so tough nowadays, how do you survive ? let me apologise for all of us 40 to 60 year olds who screwed everything up for you.Seriously kids lighten up a little,your attitude is not going to get you very far.


Well said.

A lot of us just have an attitude of hatred burned into our souls that leaves us waiting for revolution or the impending dooms revealed to us by science.

We try though, we try.

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