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i thought you were sick as fuck anyways, puking lungs up and shit..... laugh.gif when i saw asheville i thought "oh if its in asheboro i could run out there with my dodge ram and trailer and take it to his place".... oh well... just calm down and try not to vomit up anything important


Haha yeah, i think im honestly extra testy because im sick, but i really appreciate you even considering doing that. I re-read my original post and I even think I was kind of being a little prick in a way, but i mean, the basics of what I was trying to say was true, and what i've said since has been honest and more well thought.


Oh well, we all have our days dry.gif


I havn't thrown up in quite a bit now, so fingers crossed!

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Must be a Carolina thing.

My dads been a total bum since we moved here....


Funny how they bitch about what you need to do and when you need to do it but will never lift a finger to help.

Our generation is fucked, and those older than us don't understand.

It's screwed because you're the whiny entitlement generation and the government/schools are all pandering to the lowest common denominator. NC has one of the lowest average insurance expenditure rates in the country.


Sorry guys, I was taking a siempreloco dump

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It's screwed because you're the whiny entitlement generation and the government/schools are all pandering to the lowest common denominator. NC has one of the lowest average insurance expenditure rates in the country.


Sorry guys, I was taking a siempreloco dump


I've been throwing up, not taking shits.



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It's screwed because you're the whiny entitlement generation and the government/schools are all pandering to the lowest common denominator. NC has one of the lowest average insurance expenditure rates in the country.


Sorry guys, I was taking a siempreloco dump


Wow waited all that time for that?

We're the "fucked because the previous generation left us with a load of shit to shovel before we can even start to make any headway into life."

And school was totally fucked cause of some "no child left behind" bullshit that required us all to "learn" at the level and rate of the derps that were one level above the special ed classes.


So we smoke weed and bang our heads.

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our generation if fucked because of shit schooling, and alot of fucking morons having kids(our kids are gonna be fucked too) you know about the 3 "R's" right Reading Riting(writing) Rithmetic(arithmetic). thats why we are fucked, the morons that make the system cant even fucking spell!



but they say the world is going to end this year anyway so i stand by my old mantra of "well.....fuck it"



good luck with your insurance man, i would just pay for my own until your mom can muster up the energy to pick up a phone

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our generation if fucked because of shit schooling, and alot of fucking morons having kids(our kids are gonna be fucked too) you know about the 3 "R's" right Reading Riting(writing) Rithmetic(arithmetic). thats why we are fucked, the morons that make the system cant even fucking spell!



but they say the world is going to end this year anyway so i stand by my old mantra of "well.....fuck it"



good luck with your insurance man, i would just pay for my own until your mom can muster up the energy to pick up a phone


Haha the three R's. I called them out on that once.

I learn more in a couple hours of web surfing than I did in 4 years of high school. I swear, they taught the same history every year since 4th grade. It go's Africa, Europe, colonization, civil war, slavery, ww2, black people after slavery, pres. nixon, 9/11. Then read it all again the next year in the same fucking book.


"end" whether by total destruction or the crash of society as we know it. Either way I said the same thing in response to everyone telling me to go to college "which no one saved a single penny for" or starting a career.

And if it doesn't... We don't care. Another point, so much bullshit has gone down in 20 years, how do they expect us to give a fuck about anything.

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our generation if fucked because of shit schooling, and alot of fucking morons having kids(our kids are gonna be fucked too) you know about the 3 "R's" right Reading Riting(writing) Rithmetic(arithmetic). thats why we are fucked, the morons that make the system cant even fucking spell!



but they say the world is going to end this year anyway so i stand by my old mantra of "well.....fuck it"



good luck with your insurance man, i would just pay for my own until your mom can muster up the energy to pick up a phone

Schooling hasn't fundamentally changed since whatever time you want to say it was once "good". Parents have gotten a hell of a lot worse, however, and turned schools into public daycare. Education begins at home...chello! Meanwhile, the pantywad parents got all butthurt and demanded that teachers not "harm" the kids, so schools lost any ability to discipline kids and now we have public daycare with a bunch of egotistical imbeciles who can't/won't get off their idolphones long enough to learn something. Don't blame the schools or teachers; it's really not their fault.
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Schooling hasn't fundamentally changed since whatever time you want to say it was once "good". Parents have gotten a hell of a lot worse, however, and turned schools into public daycare. Education begins at home...chello! Meanwhile, the pantywad parents got all butthurt and demanded that teachers not "harm" the kids, so schools lost any ability to discipline kids and now we have public daycare with a bunch of egotistical imbeciles who can't/won't get off their idolphones long enough to learn something. Don't blame the schools or teachers; it's really not their fault.


We're not.

We're blaming the 40-60 year olds who made it this way.

All the 30 year olds I know are driving new cars to their new homes were they listen to power ballads while their 5 year olds play call of duty. And mot of them are academically trained but dumb as shit.

The 20 year olds live at home, scrape by with a minimum wage job, are in college paid for by their parents, or smoke meth.


I just wanna drive my datsun and walk around in the woods with my dog picking mushrooms and tromping through creeks. Is that so bad?

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There is no reason to blame the schools or teachers, I grew up in lots of different places and I turned out just fine and I was homeschooled, went to middle school and Highschool. I ended up with my GED and I'm 18 I am renting a house living on my own with some friends, I own 2 project cars, I'm currently jobless but that doesn't stop me. I built both my cars from the ground up with no prior experience or help from family. Man up and take control of your life, Sure it may be harsh but it's the world we life in fight to survive or get left behind. If you want something to get done in these times you got to get out and get off your ass and pester people until it gets done. Sure this can all be relative to where you live how you were raised but that doesn't mean give up and throw a tantrum about it.


It sickens me to see how many people are sick and pissed at our generation and I hate being a part of it and having that stereotype driven on me when I try hard not to be involved, So many people expect things to be handed to them and have the life to adulthood be easy and paved with gold and sucess, I've talked to a lot of older guy's sure some things have changed like phones, hourly pay, the economy, but they had it just as bad as we do, Saying other people don't understand is just an excuse.



You only have 1 mother in this life and you should not take her for granted, Sure you may have a bad relationship with her but she is the only mom you have, I have had friends whose mother's died of cancer and they miss their mom every single day and you regret everything. Be happy for the time you got and think of it in a positive way. I used to hate my dad, he wasn't the best to me or my brother and never helped me on my car's once even when I've helped fix his cars when he couldn't but I take my lessons I've learned from him and try to be a better man for it.

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There is no reason to blame the schools or teachers, I grew up in lots of different places and I turned out just fine and I was homeschooled, went to middle school and Highschool. I ended up with my GED and I'm 18 I am renting a house living on my own with some friends, I own 2 project cars, I'm currently jobless but that doesn't stop me. I built both my cars from the ground up with no prior experience or help from family. Man up and take control of your life, Sure it may be harsh but it's the world we life in fight to survive or get left behind. If you want something to get done in these times you got to get out and get off your ass and pester people until it gets done. Sure this can all be relative to where you live how you were raised but that doesn't mean give up and throw a tantrum about it.


It sickens me to see how many people are sick and pissed at our generation and I hate being a part of it and having that stereotype driven on me when I try hard not to be involved, So many people expect things to be handed to them and have the life to adulthood be easy and paved with gold and sucess, I've talked to a lot of older guy's sure some things have changed like phones, hourly pay, the economy, but they had it just as bad as we do, Saying other people don't understand is just an excuse.



You only have 1 mother in this life and you should not take her for granted, Sure you may have a bad relationship with her but she is the only mom you have, I have had friends whose mother's died of cancer and they miss their mom every single day and you regret everything. Be happy for the time you got and think of it in a positive way. I used to hate my dad, he wasn't the best to me or my brother and never helped me on my car's once even when I've helped fix his cars when he couldn't but I take my lessons I've learned from him and try to be a better man for it.




Our best bet is selling drugs and scrapping metal.

Also you live in Colorado.

The country gets progressively worse as you travel east-south.

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Our best bet is selling drugs and scrapping metal.

Also you live in Colorado.

The country gets progressively worse as you travel east-south.


I lived in Missouri for 9 years I know how it is, Kids in my school were ridiculous but just because they were didn't give me the option to be, I never really did good in school but that didn't stop me from trying my best.

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Schooling hasn't fundamentally changed since whatever time you want to say it was once "good". Parents have gotten a hell of a lot worse, however, and turned schools into public daycare. Education begins at home...chello! Meanwhile, the pantywad parents got all butthurt and demanded that teachers not "harm" the kids, so schools lost any ability to discipline kids and now we have public daycare with a bunch of egotistical imbeciles who can't/won't get off their idolphones long enough to learn something. Don't blame the schools or teachers; it's really not their fault.


As far as our education system, it's true, not much has really changed, it has it's flaws but for the most part it functions, i do agree 100% that parenting has dropped tragically, and honestly some people shouldn't even be allowed to have children. It is difficult to talk about the opportunities of our generation...it's true, in many ways it is very difficult, but it all depends on how you look at things. College education has become almost 100% necessary, what most kids don't realize is that a college education doesn't guarantee you a job and a future, you have to have a solid work ethic and drive, plus you need to focus your education to a major that's actually useful and has jobs available....however skilled workers from a tech school are actually in high demand! If you can get a skill or trade, your success in this generation seems to be pretty well off, as things stand.

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I lived in Missouri for 9 years I know how it is, Kids in my school were ridiculous but just because they were didn't give me the option to be, I never really did good in school but that didn't stop me from trying my best.


Middle of nowhere is still not east.

I dropped out twice mellow.gif


The whole point was... 5% of us are doing the best we can if what we got. 30% do hard drugs and don't give a shit. 5% are taking care of the kids they had freshman year, 20% are completely retarded, and 20% are In college because they're parents have money or they're good at playing with balls / doing equations.


The moral of the story is Don't give a fuck, and they don't give a fuck about us.

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College education has become almost 100% necessary, what most kids don't realize is that a college education doesn't guarantee you a job and a future,


The higher your education level the less chance you have to get a job. No one wants to hire the man with the doctorate to work the register because they know he will quit as soon as he is offered a job in his field of study (which is already filled by someone with work experience or person of darker shade of skin hired to meet standards)




Do you want to change the world?

Or watch it burn?

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You both seem to think us older guys didn`t work our asses off in minimum wage jobs for bosses that didn`t give a flying crap whether you were sick or not .And live in the worst dives know to human habitation ( My shampoo actually froze in the bathroom of my first apt ) Just about every thing you younger guys do is hand fed to you and yet you still complain about how hard it is when you are asked to actually do something for yourselves ..Try working on your cars /trucks without using the internets TRY IT I DARE YOU....We had to go to the library ( on our own time) and write the shit down because the copier never worked right..Two clicks and your answers are right in your face and you can save it in your favorites so you dont have to even look it up again..


And on the parenting thing... my kids are total dumbshits but im not so sure it`s all my fault


And i thought my oldest son was being a spoiled butt by not selling Elmerfudpucker his spare parts ...I stand corrected

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You both seem to think us older guys didn`t work our asses off in minimum wage jobs for bosses that didn`t give a flying crap whether you were sick or not .And live in the worst dives know to human habitation ( My shampoo actually froze in the bathroom of my first apt ) Just about every thing you younger guys do is hand fed to you and yet you still complain about how hard it is when you are asked to actually do something for yourselves ..Try working on your cars /trucks without using the internets TRY IT I DARE YOU....We had to go to the library ( on our own time) and write the shit down because the copier never worked right..Two clicks and your answers are right in your face and you can save it in your favorites so you dont have to even look it up again..


And on the parenting thing... my kids are total dumbshits but im not so sure it`s all my fault


And i thought my oldest son was being a spoiled butt by not selling Elmerfudpucker his spare parts ...I stand corrected


I'm sorry- when did I ever say that the older generation never did anything? I have the utmost respect for the older generation, especially the OLDER generation, falling in line more with my grandparents than parents. I don't have anything hand-fed to me, any more than you did when you were younger, I work hard for everything that I have, I always have. The majority of my generation's problems spring from us ourselves, as I touched on with the brief explanation of the uselessness of just a college education. Education is a great and powerful thing, but you have to have focus and drive, and you have to be smart enough to enter a field that is actually needed. People my age's main mindset is: School+College=Job, Money, and perfect future. Either that or they just say "Fuck the future mannn, theres no need in tryin, im just gonna smoke pot and chill in my mom's basement and complain."


So i don't see where you're coming from here.


Also- i've learned almost everything about vehicles from working side by side with my grandfather, the internet is a GREAT resource, and yes, I do use it, but so do you and everyone else because it is so very useful. The internet is a resource, if I lacked it and a library was my only resource, i would use it instead.



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