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Resemblance, lol, what are you smokin? You obiviously don't get where I'm comin from.


laugh.gif Way to come off a total dick bud.


I'm not gonna go clown shoes and say the dude stole a logo without any input. Jesus, it's dumb that you go outright and make accusations. Do you find it hard to believe that someone else put BRE stripes over the Datsun logo? They're iconic for fucks sake.


Don't get emotional because I wasn't going to go outright flash mob on the guy.





Until you own the copyrights on it, I don't think you have any rights to place blame for theft. The guys just trying to better the Datsun community. Isn't that what we're all here for?

Edited by metalmonkey47
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Resemblance, lol, what are you smokin? You obiviously don't get where I'm comin from.

You acquired it from somewhere, and your punkass reaction doesn't laud your innocence any.




The fact that "Nostalgic" and ".com" are in an entirely different DPI resolution than the rest of the picture is evidence that they were added to an entirely separate, pre-existing image.


Now, how about trying again and admitting you got the image from somewhere else?


edit: I'm getting the guy from ND and from DMT mixed up. DMT may have "made" the image he's claiming ND stole, but he's being a douche about it.




Seriously it's another Datsun website... we should all be happy.

Normally I'd agree with you, but I also have an issue with people claiming others' work as their own.

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Typical Rathole bunch, you all just don't get it. Bunch of kids on here anymore. I know I'm gonna catch plenty from the regulars that have nothing better to do but stay here on ratsun 24/7. Theres plenty of other Datsun sites that have made their own design around the Datsun name to make it unique to their site, which I did, I'm not tryin to say the Datsun name is mine, thats stupid as hell. If you don't understand, I really don't care, bash away if ya want. Bring it on.

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Typical Rathole bunch, you all just don't get it. Bunch of kids on here anymore. I know I'm gonna catch plenty from the regulars that have nothing better to do but stay here on ratsun 24/7. Theres plenty of other Datsun sites that have made their own design around the Datsun name to make it unique to their site, which I did, I'm not tryin to say the Datsun name is mine, thats stupid as hell. If you don't understand, I really don't care, bash away if ya want. Bring it on.


And what you dont seem to understand, we dont tolerate rudeness, pretty much rule number 1.


So stop being rude, and actually show how they are infringing. Innocent until proven guilty. (I am not saying it happened either way).

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Typical Rathole bunch

Welcome to RATsun.



I know I'm gonna catch plenty from the regulars that have nothing better to do but stay here on ratsun 24/7.

Welcome to Ratsun.




Theres plenty of other Datsun sites that have made their own design around the Datsun name to make it unique to their site, which I did


Thats fine. If you made your logo, cool. I respect that.


Ratsun has a logo as well. Rat & Wrenches. Do you realize how many people use that logo?


Yours consists of two of the most iconic visual figures. The BRE stripes, and the Datsun name in the center. You realize that's how they appeared on John Mortons 510? That logo has been around for 30+ years. MAYBE he used the outline as a basis to his logo. If he did, you should be flattered. It just means you did a good job.





No need to get emotional.

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Typical Rathole bunch, you all just don't get it. Bunch of kids on here anymore. I know I'm gonna catch plenty from the regulars that have nothing better to do but stay here on ratsun 24/7. Theres plenty of other Datsun sites that have made their own design around the Datsun name to make it unique to their site, which I did, I'm not tryin to say the Datsun name is mine, thats stupid as hell. If you don't understand, I really don't care, bash away if ya want. Bring it on.


You are complaining that someone stole your design........A design you COPIED


Come up with your own new or unique logo or shut the fuck up..



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Yeah its come from that, thats dam obvious, not the same



Why because the font size is different?? or because you added two words ??....Again to someone else`s design




Strange on the other side of car even stripes face the same as yours......weird





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I'm waiting nanner









Apparently you missed my edit, where I stated I mis-attributed who was being what sort of dickhead. Regardless, if BRE isn't breathing down your neck for virtually copying THEIR iconic logo, stop being a little bitch about someone using your logo. Here... I got a better solution...


Nostalgic Datsun, go ahead and use this. Made it from scratch using the proper Datsun style font instead of the Bre font.




You can even build a transparent button/link table over the top of the years, so as you get your info gathered, people can just click the year they're interested in.





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Stole? Really??? From who? Google Datsun logo truck and see what comes up.... So what if it is a Truck badge, if I used anything else someone would have found something to complain about. I was looking for something that was user friendly and spoke Nostalgia. No suggestions just complaints is all I am seeing. Where is the community spirit here?


I actually like Hardwyre's idea, however, I am sure someone will find something they don't like about it.


The Datsun community is something I have always supported, promoted and loved. I have organized some good shows that always show off what the Datsun community is all about. I do believe this thread has turn into something that does NOT reflect that idea. So I am starting something new that I thought the Community would enjoy, and wanted to give a heads up to a community that I enjoy.


KELMO, yes the date is October 6, 2012, an email will be sent to you as preperations are under way.

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Where is the community spirit here?


The Datsun community is something I have always supported, promoted and loved. I have organized some good shows that always show off what the Datsun community is all about. I do believe this thread has turn into something htat does NOT reflect that idea.


^^^What he said. It's ALL about the community and the cars!


Kids will be kids. Those of you on here that are ratsun to the bone and don't like the DMT are gonna do your usaull bashing and those of you who enjoy both understand where I'm coming from.


Dude, no one said ANYTHING about DMT. You're the one starting shit calling Ratsun an 'arrogant bunch of rat heads.' (Maybe not word for word, but you might as well have said that.)


Theres no reason to get all bent out of shape because someone took a logo and put their name on it. Normally, sure I'd be upset. But come on now, you don't even own the rights to the logo! If you're really that upset, ask politely, don't make accusations and demands. It's really getting you nowhere.

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