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Never had a tool allowance in my life, nor have I seen it done at any dealership I have worked at. Would have been nice tho.

I have a mixture of tool brands. I have gotten over my "has to be snap on" phase already, and I now think about what I need as far as quality goes.

I still think my snap on torque wrench was worth every penny. If you are a pro, and have to do torque and angle on a regular basis, spend the money. You won't have to replace it in a year or two.

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I've stopped buying whole sets... I try not to buy chrome sockets unless I need a super thin wall low impact socket. I now buy the balck sockets.


Buy a torque angle gauge...wont need a wrench for that and they are cheap. I'll post some photos of the one I have.


I have a mix of snap-on, husky, craftsman, cornwall, matco and mac...


you'll learn who makes quality and who makes junk.


if you guy craftsman and break it...take it in and dont tell them you broke it @ a dealer.


I have more to post but cant think of it all right now.

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Tools are tools.

And much like anything else in life-you get what you pay for.


If you're buying more tool than you need-you're wasting money.

If you're buying less tool than you need-you're wasting money.


People have their preferences. And they also have their needs.


Get what you need.

Obviously, there are a lot of opinions aboot tools from everyone.


I know why I buy/use what I do.

And that's me.


But if something works for you, good.

Do what works for you.

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I don't think my Datto cares what wrench i use to tighten it's bolts..... as long as it's not a hand grenade and does the job, i'm all for Craftsman and stuf, as long as it isn't made in China!

Rather save up for a bitchin Datto...



and my dad has Snap On tools, Matco, Cornwell... and some others, i have a Snap On ratchet that is indestructible... and a very old yet somewhat reliable craftsman torque wrench...

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