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Possible move to Hood River, OR

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I haven't spent a whole lot of time there, but it's a very nice place right on the Columbia river. Good scenery.. and a wage like that is nothing to turn your nose up at these days..


You into wind surfing? A lot of that goes on there.


There are a couple members that live there, so you may ask them what they think.

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I live in Hood River. Pretty fun place and as stated above close too Portland and the Mountain biggrin.gif. Theres also a couple of Datsun guys here but aren't on the forum.its already snowed here a couple days ago and started a little bit today laugh.gif.

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yeah you gotta try wind surfing if you move here lol. This town is an action sport town though huge skatepark,moutain bike trails, tons of sport shops, the river, lots of stuff to do. everyone drives subie's up here though lol.everybody is down to earth here too! and theres such great drives like going up to the mountain on Highway 35 or just cruising down The Gorge.

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Guest kamakazi620

Thanks guys! I'm heading down tomorrow and staying the night. Meeting the owners on Sunday. We'll see what happens :-)

As for your girlfriend,Their like datsuns,A dime a dozen just get a new one!!!

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As for your girlfriend,Their like datsuns,A dime a dozen just get a new one!!!

Not in Hood River, dumbass. As the saying goes, you don't loose your girlfriend, just your turn. Actually easier to find a Datsun here than a girl that one of your buddies hasn't been under the hood on. :huh:

What company are you interviewing with? I have been here a long time and pretty much know everyone in the business community. Great summers and long wet winters. Get a pass to Meadows if you want to keep sane during the dark months. Or a garage space so you can wrench.

If your girlfriend has a solid skill set, there are a few internet based companies in the area. Housing is the tough one here for sure. Hard to find a reasonably priced year round rental. Tons of seasonal stuff but you usually have to move in the spring and then you are screwed as it get impossible to find cheap housing from May- Sept.

Hit me up with a PM and your phone number if you want to get together for a beer later. Double Mountain is a must for pizza and a beer if you are in the area.

Oh yea, it's snowing here this morning so take your time down the gorge. Usually the roads are the worst from Cascade Locks to Mosier. I am off to the mountain for opening day of riding so maybe catch you later today.


aka exit64

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If you can make money in hood river MOVE THERE!!! I moved from NZ to San luis obispo to hood river and couldn't be happier, yeah it is hard in the winter but most people on ratsun have to deal with the PNW winters and winter city driving and the Summers are dry and hot . At least we have great local beer and snowboarding for the winter months. No Smog checks here in the Hood too:cool: .

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Yep, it is a nice place IF you can make a living.


I lived there for 2.5 years, but couldn't get steady work. I'm an art director/web designer and I ended up commuting to Portland (1 hour + each way). There are 1-2 boutique web shops in HR, otherwise nada.


If your gf can still work for her existing clients, it might work.


Housing is expensive and hard to find - it is a resort town.


We moved to Portland, but unemployment in the graphic arts in Portland is very high - I finally found another job after 1.5 years!


Mike (exit64) knows everybody!

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Thanks Mike for the hospitality! We had a beer Saturday night and then headed up to see the sick ass mountain bike trails on Sunday. Interview went good an I'm just waiting on them to send me a formal offer.


Little snowy....




Sick ass riding! (excuse the blurry cam, must've had a smudge on the lens of my phone.....)






Looking up..




Yeah that's Mike in the blur tongue.gif



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Great to hang out with you Josh. You got out of here in the nick of time. Woke put to pretty snowy conditions this morning. Any freeride guys on here can look up Columbia Gorge Free Ride Association and check out all the stuff up in Post Canyon with more getting built all the time. It's done with the Hood River County Forestry's blessing so it's well built and maintained on a regular basis. Even if you don't take the job, come back in the summer so we can get some shuttle rides in and then more beer at the Double Mt. May be we can host a Ratsun free ride weekend if you move down here.

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