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my sons in a coma

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You do realize though what this means; your boy owes us homage. We, The Ratsun, demand tribute in the form of him becoming a Datsun owner! This, we command! Muhahahahahahahahaha!


Seriously though brother, I'm thrilled to know your young man is doing great. Karma is going to fuck them bitches up in the end, you don't get through life doing shit like that without paying for it eventually.


So does this mean that we get to couch surf your place if we're ever in the area? :)

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every one is more than welcome at casa yatarola(our house) if and when any one is in our area, call me and e mail me and mi casa es su casa, my door is always open to all of you, and yea he already owns a 620, it is one of the project trucks that i have, he lost interest half way thru, but you never know, there is talks of him moving down here with us, we shall see, tom


ps, z good idea, but being a minister i will let GOD handle the vengence...they will get theirs soon enough...

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I have just read this forum posting, and after being off the internet for so long. And seeing the responses,and how you guys just took it into your own hands. And started helping, its made me see that this is the forum for me. And all you guys deserve the biggest hero sandwich ever, for being there, for him and his family. And it show's how close the datsun community is, and how we are able to be there for each other in time's of need, bless you all (i just about blubbered reading these few pages)i have a son, and i can understand this mans pain and sorrow. (My thought's and prayers are with you as well my friend) and PRAISE RATSUN as well for you guys are incredible ! (LOUD APPLAUSE)

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once again, thank you all, spoke to him earlier today, he is very grateful for all you have done, and all the answered prayers, THANK YOU, shouting as loud as i can...tom

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