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My 2006 Avalanche was stolen...

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GM's are a joke to steal. They steal them all the time out here. You need a better alarm than that factory shit. You can do some amazing things with them but if they really want it they will just flatbed it and take it. One of the cool features I have on my Land Rover is that the doors double lock. It makes it impossible to open the door at all, you have to break the window and climb in through that. Oh, dont leave your checkbook in your car.


Oh, and some of the posters are almost right on Texas. You can shoot anyone fucking with their car/house. You can also carry a loaded weapon in your car as long as it is concealed, so no flashing it like a gangster.


That's the fun part about having an after market ECU. Very few bitch thieves are going to have a clue where to start trying to steal my car. Yes, a flatbed is always an option, but luckily it's not that desirable of a car at the moment. The typical smash n grab asshole is going to be at a loss for trying to figure out how to start the Z though; especially after a few more tricks are installed. :)

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My Bimmer double locks as well, at least its supposed to. Haven't tried locking anyone in it to find out though. Also I would need new fobs for my alarm to truely test the alarm system that was installed at the stealership back in the day.

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For the flat bed...see the link in my sig....


GPS can be easily disabled, do you have a back up battery for it? You can run a small 12v battery that will power it and you can hide it just about anywhere in the car. Same with alarms, they are almost useless unless you run a back up battery. Ive done a couple of cars with linear actuators deadbolting the doors, trunk, and hood. Fog machines with strobes, 6 - 10 piezo speakers. You name it!


I am not sure if it applies to you since the hardcore criminals that steal high end cars use GPS signal detection equipment. Most gps tracking devices use either a Qualcomm gpsOne chipset or similar a chipset. They are all basically cell phone GPS chips. If they want your car bad enough there is nothing you can really do to keep them from getting it, the best thing you can do is slow them down or make it so annoying that they give up.



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GPS can be easily disabled, do you have a back up battery for it? You can run a small 12v battery that will power it and you can hide it just about anywhere in the car. Same with alarms, they are almost useless unless you run a back up battery. Ive done a couple of cars with linear actuators deadbolting the doors, trunk, and hood. Fog machines with strobes, 6 - 10 piezo speakers. You name it!


I am not sure if it applies to you since the hardcore criminals that steal high end cars use GPS signal detection equipment. Most gps tracking devices use either a Qualcomm gpsOne chipset or similar a chipset. They are all basically cell phone GPS chips. If they want your car bad enough there is nothing you can really do to keep them from getting it, the best thing you can do is slow them down or make it so annoying that they give up.




the idea is to run a back up battery and a relay so that if they snip the main battery cable it will trigger one of the alerts right away and let me know (usually w/in a min or 2). I have never needed to run a back up battery but I do want to learn how its done.

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Small update. They found my check book in the PERPS truck....so that ties her to he theft. Maybe she'll talk now.


On a shittier note...they let her pick up her truck today...wtf??


You need to move back to TX so you can take the law into you own hands. This is bullshit, WTF? They should impound her vehicle and sell it off at auction. The only way to get these stealing bastards is to raise the stakes and start making these jerks pay for crimes. Did you even get back all your shit they stole out of your truck?

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I'm going to the police station today or tomorrow to talk to the watch commander and speak to them about this. If she has my rear glass or back seats in her truck...how am I supposed to tell now?? I'm pissed.


I asked why her truck was released and the Detective would not give me a clear answer. The tow yard lady told me the perp was pissed that things were missing from her truck. The police seized all the cell phones and some other stuff that was in the truck.


Back in Tx I dont think it wold have happend..worked @ DART (secured)..and the Dr was in Forney (nice small town, people are nice there). But then agian I'd probably not have the truck.

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Fuck her, you should have first dibs on parts from her truck that you are missing. Is your insurance going to foot the bill?


thats what I'm saying....Found out that in March her truck was stripped....so it makes sense that some it not all my stuff ended up in her truck, but I cant tell now.... *rage*

Insurance will pay what needs to be. The yard opp said something about how the detective can waive days...I'm going to do what I can to get it back and just have it towed to a shop and start getting it fixed, the Det. is dragging his feet.

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I feel your pain, I've had two vehicles stolen and stripped one of them got burned up. My insurance was right by me and cut me a check for the retail replacement of the vehicle not the depreciated value so I actually made money off the deal. I had receipts for all of my big ticket items. I wouldn't worry about getting your hatch and similar panels back if they rebuild the car it should be the same as when it was stolen. That being said you should be entitled to OEM parts they are better quality. Thats if you have reputable insurance and receipts/declaration prior to theft for any custom stuff that is missing. Make sure you get at least three major shops to do quotes for you.

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I feel your pain, I've had two vehicles stolen and stripped one of them got burned up. My insurance was right by me and cut me a check for the retail replacement of the vehicle not the depreciated value so I actually made money off the deal. I had receipts for all of my big ticket items. I wouldn't worry about getting your hatch and similar panels back if they rebuild the car it should be the same as when it was stolen. That being said you should be entitled to OEM parts they are better quality. Thats if you have reputable insurance and receipts/declaration prior to theft for any custom stuff that is missing. Make sure you get at least three major shops to do quotes for you.



I know they'll have to replace the bed covers...as far as I can tell OEM is all thats available. Same for the back glass. My only real worry is that Ive only had the truck a month, it had things in it that were there when I bought it...in dash navigation, JBL stealth box (W6s)...The back glass and rear seats, I'll probably end up getting them from a junk yard in all reality. I dont think they will buy new.


I'm gonna try to goto the tow yard today and get some day time pictures.

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So the fucking cop lets the criminal get HER truck, but won't let you start restoring yours? She blew him.


If I was the Det, I would have told her to eat a bag of dicks... but I think the above sentence already stated she did.


Would have been awesome if they gave you both trucks and told her to piss off.

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So the fucking cop lets the criminal get HER truck, but won't let you start restoring yours? She blew him.


If I was the Det, I would have told her to eat a bag of dicks... but I think the above sentence already stated she did.


Would have been awesome if they gave you both trucks and told her to piss off.


what I was told the night of the theft was that before the trucks were released I'd be able to look over them both to see if anything from my truck was in hers. Now I have to go based on photos of her truck and see if its mine. I know my back glass was missing a defrost lead and had a tear in the tint, but the back seats would be hard to tell, unless I see my dogs hair on them...which would be hard to do with photos. If I see any of my stuff in her photos, they issue another search warrant and go get it.... I'm not pleased with the over all attitude of the Det....basically telling me not to worry about my major stuff being in her truck as my insurance will take care of it. Fuck that, if they are my seats and back glass, not to mention my speaker boxy, I want my shit back, she doesnt deserve to walk away with it!!


I would have thought that finding my check book in her truck would have been cause enough to keep her shit locked up for a while longer. Impound fees were just under $800 last night.


Let the adjuster and body shops figure things out before you buy anything, I think you may be pleasantly surprised. Thats if you have full coverage which I'm assuming you do.




as soon as I'm told I can take it out of the yard its going to the dealer to get looked @. The freaking stealth box is $2199 on JBLs site.....

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Try contacting the person you bought it from for receipts for the aftermarket parts. Id rage at the police station to the detectives boss if I were you, don't forget that you pay their salary.



I bought the truck a month ago from a local new car dealer....no receipts. I'm brining this all up tomorrow when I go there. Reguardless if insurance is paying for it, doesnt make it right.

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I bought the truck a month ago from a local new car dealer....no receipts. I'm brining this all up tomorrow when I go there. Reguardless if insurance is paying for it, doesnt make it right.


The dealership should have put on the sales contract that it had certain aftermarket features, or they can at least confirm they were in the truck. Sounds like a shitty situation all around

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The dealership should have put on the sales contract that it had certain aftermarket features, or they can at least confirm they were in the truck. Sounds like a shitty situation all around


We're going to check. Their online site didn't have the stealth box shown, just the indash nav. I have photos of the truck on the lot..so I'm covered on the exterior stuff. I have a few people that know the stealth box was back there though.

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The police are charging you 800.00 in inpound fees even though you were not at fault and they needed your truck for an investigation? I would complain about that. Also, you are screwed out of your deductable, time to take that bitch to court.


I'm really hoping he meant she had to pay $800 for the impound fee, because if he had to pay absolutely dick to get his truck back, he needs to start writing letters to state officials about some bullshit.

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The police are charging you 800.00 in inpound fees even though you were not at fault and they needed your truck for an investigation? I would complain about that. Also, you are screwed out of your deductable, time to take that bitch to court.



I'm really hoping he meant she had to pay $800 for the impound fee, because if he had to pay absolutely dick to get his truck back, he needs to start writing letters to state officials about some bullshit.


Correct, the perp had to pay about $800 to get her truck out.


I did get a notice about a possible lein sale. But the tow yard says they have to send that letter out by law. Even if there are a few fees due to the tow from the perps house to the yard, the insurance will cover it.

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10/28/2011 update....


The truck was released to me last night. I'm waiting for the dealer to go pick it up so they can start looking it over. Here are a couple photos I was able to snap yesterday @ the tow yard..sorry for the blurry ones.











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