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Am I the only one that does this??

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So I just got back from doing some errands in town....Baker City is not that big. 10,000 or so. Bi-Mart is only .6 miles from the house. So that would be a 1.2 mile round trip. For some reason I racked up 19 miles on the odometer!! :unsure:


Maybe its cuz I only get to drive my 521 on the weekends or I just love driving my Datsun but I took the waaaaaay long way around. Hopped on the freeway and drove bout 5 miles turned around and came back. On the way home did the same thing just went west this time. I had to race a couple of slow semis uo the 6% hill outta town :lol: , makes mah lil L16 feel good to pass someone instead of being passed :P


I know somebody come next June is gonna go to the grocery store and wind up in Canby!! :rofl:


Maybe me and the wife will go park tonight :hug:

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Yeah.... Wife's working Sat morning and I have to go into town for. (something) Only 4km home and it's early so I pull onto the parkway that climbs up out of town for the same distance and connects to the Inland Island Highway. Just out of town and across the RR tracks that ends the 50k and starts the 80k limit. A quick glance at the oil pressure and temp gauges, nothing to worry about as I slip it into third and ease the clutch out and the revs climb slightly and the car gives a slight nudge as they synchronize speeds. A look in the mirrors and all is clear as I begin to mash the throttle.... four lanes wide with two on-coming and a car ahead of me slower to pick up speed. Gaining faster now and the motor begins to purr louder with a slight tug as the carb opens fully at last. Signal to pass and pull out to go around, turn the signal off with left hand while thumb is against the steering wheel spoke. Right holds the other side. (not yet) Passing now, with carb sounds slowly being drowned out by wind/tire/exhaust sounds. Engine is louder and getting louder, really working now, not like in-town rips through first, (not yet!) Again... signal lane change and move over well in front of him. (almost now) Reassuring glance at the tach, engine now a roar, tell yourself that rationally it can handle more but emotionally it's screaming out. Right hand leaves wheel and slowly drops to the shifter, gripping it's familiar smoothness as left foot rises (NOW!!) and slams the clutch to the carpet. Like an Olympic diver preforming a difficult jump, hand and foot together in an eye blink, shifter in fourth, engine back to a loud growl again, car jumps ahead climbing that endless C shaped curve in the hill. Left foot can now rest on the carpet, not needed. Move left arm out window, fingers lightly on the wheel. Wind is a cold tornado inside the car, right hand is vibrating on the gear shift. Sit back in the seat. The road stretches out..... forever.

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Yeah.... Wife's working Sat morning and I have to go into town for. (something) Only 4km home and it's early so I pull onto the parkway that climbs up out of town for the same distance and connects to the Inland Island Highway. Just out of town and across the RR tracks that ends the 50k and starts the 80k limit. A quick glance at the oil pressure and temp gauges, nothing to worry about as I slip it into third and ease the clutch out and the revs climb slightly and the car gives a slight nudge as they synchronize speeds. A look in the mirrors and all is clear as I begin to mash the throttle.... four lanes wide with two on-coming and a car ahead of me slower to pick up speed. Gaining faster now and the motor begins to purr louder with a slight tug as the carb opens fully at last. Signal to pass and pull out to go around, turn the signal off with left hand while thumb is against the steering wheel spoke. Right holds the other side. (not yet) Passing now, with carb sounds slowly being drowned out by wind/tire/exhaust sounds. Engine is louder and getting louder, really working now, not like in-town rips through first, (not yet!) Again... signal lane change and move over well in front of him. (almost now) Reassuring glance at the tach, engine now a roar, tell yourself that rationally it can handle more but emotionally it's screaming out. Right hand leaves wheel and slowly drops to the shifter, gripping it's familiar smoothness as left foot rises (NOW!!) and slams the clutch to the carpet. Like an Olympic diver preforming a difficult jump, hand and foot together in an eye blink, shifter in fourth, engine back to a loud growl again, car jumps ahead climbing that endless C shaped curve in the hill. Left foot can now rest on the carpet, not needed. Move left arm out window, fingers lightly on the wheel. Wind is a cold tornado inside the car, right hand is vibrating on the gear shift. Sit back in the seat. The road stretches out..... forever.



Eye on the tach 4k, 4500, 5k....Should I go more, redline is like 6500 right? 5700, ok imma shift to 4th naow....I actually hit 80 mph this morn!! :o

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A quick glance at the oil pressure and temp gauges, nothing to worry about as I slip it into third and ease the clutch out and the revs climb slightly and the car gives a slight nudge as they synchronize speeds. A look in the mirrors and all is clear as I begin to mash the throttle.... four lanes wide with two on-coming and a car ahead of me slower to pick up speed. Gaining faster now and the motor begins to purr louder with a slight tug as the carb opens fully at last. Signal to pass and pull out to go around, turn the signal off with left hand while thumb is against the steering wheel spoke. Right holds the other side. (not yet) Passing now, with carb sounds slowly being drowned out by wind/tire/exhaust sounds. Engine is louder and getting louder, really working now, not like in-town rips through first, (not yet!) Again... signal lane change and move over well in front of him. (almost now) Reassuring glance at the tach, engine now a roar, tell yourself that rationally it can handle more but emotionally it's screaming out. Right hand leaves wheel and slowly drops to the shifter, gripping it's familiar smoothness as left foot rises (NOW!!) and slams the clutch to the carpet. Like an Olympic diver preforming a difficult jump, hand and foot together in an eye blink, shifter in fourth, engine back to a loud growl again, car jumps ahead climbing that endless C shaped curve in the hill. Left foot can now rest on the carpet, not needed. Move left arm out window, fingers lightly on the wheel. Wind is a cold tornado inside the car, right hand is vibrating on the gear shift. Sit back in the seat. The road stretches out..... forever.




lol.gif I love doing this. 'cept the tornado inside the truck is usually 80+ degree heat. sweat.gif Still, pretty awesome feeling.

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