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Just Married

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My wife and I have been married for 49 years. It's true, the happiest man in the world has an American house, a Chinese cook and a Japanese wife.


I always love hearing American women (most often whites and blacks) bitching about how such and such a dude went and got himself an Asian wife.


Then you go and watch said American woman go off and brow beat her pussy whipped boyfriend/husband over some nagging, pointless shit.


It all comes back around to how boys are not raised to be men these days. You're raised to be either an spineless 'nice guy' or a complete asshole 'bad boy'.


I still remember the look on the face of this one chick I was dating. We were at some party of my friends and she was with a group of girls and they were having drinks, and starting all the typical drunk-chick man-bashing depressed bitches get into.


Whelp, Tammy got into it as well saying shit like "Ha! I run my boys on my clock! Jason's MY bitch! Hey bitch! Give me your beer now bitch!"


Me: "Knock it off Tammy."


Her: "Bitch you talk when your told to! Beer, now!"


I chucked the beer into this metal trash can, which made the perfect loud WHACLANG! I was hoping for and everyone shut up.


Now people don't get to see the furious side of Jason very often because Jason doesn't like seeing the furious side of Jason.


All I remember is moving towards her slow and steady, like a glacier, getting right in her face and slowly stating "You will never speak to me like this again."


All she did was stared at me dumbfounded; in disbelief that anyone would stand up to her.


The biggest pain in the ass is what they say is true; women love guys they perceive to be assholes. Calls, emails, texts, etc, etc, etc. Even her friends were dropping me lines telling me she was trying to get in contact with me. *ignored*


The one thing you do not do is bash on your significant other; you respect the person that you're with.

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My wife and I have been married for 49 years. It's true, the happiest man in the world has an American house, a Chinese cook and a Japanese wife.


I have a Taiwanese wife so I think I got almost all of those bases covered :P.


I always love hearing American women (most often whites and blacks) bitching about how such and such a dude went and got himself an Asian wife.


Then you go and watch said American woman go off and brow beat her pussy whipped boyfriend/husband over some nagging, pointless shit.


+1 for truth. Totally a different cultural background. Also the in-laws are 6,000 miles away and don't speak English :lol:

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