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Datsuns rolling?

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  • 9 months later...

I am just going to say goodbye to my datsuns rolling thread........she was a good thread and served us well. We will always remember her as the precursor to all the fun this weekend, and when we were all just friends online and now we are all blood brothers.....a wolfpack........a bunch of guys, running around the streets of canby looking for strippers datsuns and cocaine....


Fare thee well!

It does not have to be goodbye forever. You can always revive it next year aboot a month before canby 2012 biggrin.gif

I beat you to it Wildman!! Imma month early in reviving this thread but hey!! Its gettin close to CanbY time!! :w00t:


Hey, I'll revive it right now! Finally got home just now, unloaded everything. Fing tired, really, really tired. But damn was Canby fun! A very good vacation for me. Just about made my year. Good to meet everyone. Now I suppose I have a year to get the 510 sorted out so I can drive her next year.

So howz that 510 comin along Matt??? :lol:


Soooooooo..........lets get this going again!! HRH and Wildman are comin down from Spokangles and Bonerz, respectivally.

We got Chet and SICK over there in Dahoe.

No one knows aboot Wide

Hey Neil!! You goin this year??


I would love to see a dozen Dattos rollin down the gorge this year!!!






Only had 4 last year. Lets see if we can double it this year!! Whos in????

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Oh I have the time off. I'll be rolling the D21 most likely. However, we did push the 510 down to Regy's shop yesterday for the installation of the new quarter panel. I have the Sentra in the garage now, need to yank it's motor and get it back to running then sell it for some Canby moneys. Regy may take his 1200 since the yellow 510 is being sold to someone else. Deemed too much rust and Regy has a much better pristine 510 down a the farm. So the motor I'm building him will go into that.


I can't friggin' wait! I need a vacation. Bad! There also may be a pickup of a '67 411 Datsun on the way. It's a little out of the way, may be sold, but I told the lady if it hasn't sold by the time I leave, I may well attempt to get my trailer ready to haul it back. A little wary on that, still not sure how much my axle is rated for on that 14' trailer. I'll find out, then need to modify it to be able to haul a Datsun.

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i cant ask for vacation this far out yet... lol


im going to tho.. i think you can ask like 45 day in advance. ill have to figure out when i can do that... june is launch season this year tho at work.. OSX 10.8 is comin out...


for sure tho i am so down to save up and take the truck... if all else fails i can money-mize and ride along with one of these local assholes... olzlzzzlllllz...


in, or out, but not in between!!

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i cant ask for vacation this far out yet... lol


im going to tho.. i think you can ask like 45 day in advance. ill have to figure out when i can do that... june is launch season this year tho at work.. OSX 10.8 is comin out...


for sure tho i am so down to save up and take the truck... if all else fails i can money-mize and ride along with one of these local assholes... olzlzzzlllllz...


in, or out, but not in between!!


Well Neil, If you do ride with Chet make sure you do the texting for him or y'all may not make it!! There are a lot of cattle trailers between here and Canby!! :w00t:

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i just got off the phone with wide...


im for sure going to see if itll let me ask for the time off at work on friday...


jasons not sure if the yellow truck will have a legit engine in it by then... if all else fails, wide riding with me justifies taking my truck..


ive got some small projects that need done on mine but im 100% itll make it if dans made it last year... troloollol

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It would be awesome to have a bigger caravan this year! Bill we may have to leave a little earlier if that 411 is still available in sunnyside. Depending on funds if flipping the sentra goes well I may be dragging it to canby. Need to send the gal an email again to touch base.

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I will be down for whatever, Matt. We definitely need a bigger group this year. Farmer, don't worry about the making it, we will have everything needed to get you there (or back home). I have so fucking much to do to get ready to move cross country, let alone just for Canby. Going to be a big ol' ball of stress for the next 2 months.....

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i just got off the phone with wide...


im for sure going to see if itll let me ask for the time off at work on friday...


jasons not sure if the yellow truck will have a legit engine in it by then... if all else fails, wide riding with me justifies taking my truck..


ive got some small projects that need done on mine but im 100% itll make it if dans made it last year... troloollol


I guess I rollin solo in my Datto this year!! I need a red cup to go with it.


Yea Neil if Chet can make it on a slip an slide clutch you got it easy!!


I'm gettin all tingly just thinkin about this trip :w00t:

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Well my Datsun guru is out, he's going to be too busy with the new mobile dyno business. Regy I think is still going to come, but he might have to take the 1200 instead of the 510.

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