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like I said, I'm sure the owner would love the reaction, and the reposting of pics



So you think its cool? I'm not following you. The owner of the car and website are perpetuating this not us. BTW my reaction was to you saying people offended by it are uneducated. The symbol doesn't bother me but I know many are bothered. The stuff you were spewing about it being something other than Nazi was garbage as anyone would see in the picture. Have some sensitivity man there are a lot of people offended by this you know it I know it and that guy knows it. I don't know what to think when people enjoy bringing up images of torture and death on a massive scale and think its funny to watch peoples reactions. If this was a Hindu symbol it wouldn't have the rest of the paint scheme to go with it. People know swastikas have other meanings but when used like that it has only one. I'm sure he does enjoy the reaction he gets and he will until someone beats him senseless because of it.



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Well the Nazi swastika is the same as the Hindu one but Hitler flipped it so the ends were pointing the other way.


Hindus use it both ways the Nazi way symbolizes destruction the other way creation

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Hindus use it both ways the Nazi way symbolizes destruction the other way creation


Well ya know that the Japanese killed at least 15 million some estimates are as high as 30 million Chinese,Filipino,Korean, Vietnamese ( pretty much any country in east Asia ) and WHITE people by using them as slave labor.Under the same flag as alot of people are running on their cars ,,,ME being one of them,,,


So where do you stand on that??

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Its the same thing really. I wouldn't go to China with the Japanese war flag and expect people to be cool with that. I wouldn't start telling them it means something different to me blah blah... The Japanese war flag isn't as offensive to people here in the USA as the swastika, maybe because there are millions of Jews and just a few WWII vets still alive who fought against those who flew the rising sun. Has anyone ever been offended by your flag?? Do most people have thoughts of terror when they see it? Did you put it on there to piss people off or because you like Japanese steel? Like I said it would be much different in Asia would you use it there knowing it makes people mad? (I assume, they may not care but more people over there know what it means) Its not the same thing. The Japanese flag was used prior to WWII and after. The Nazi swastika was only used by them when they started renaming countries Germany and killing folks. After the war it was made illegal in Germany. No one I'm aware of has run around with the Japanese flag yelling people who aren't my color suck since WWII either. So not the same is it really. Why the white in caps? I'm not being racial, just trying to explain to the uninformed why this is offensive not cute or funny.


So there you have where I stand on that you asked.

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Thoughts of terror? My flag?


Alot of people have been exterminated under the guise of " it`s good for the country "


And yes i do think there is a hint of racism in your diatribe 30 million or so blah,blah,blah-s as opposed to 6 million folks ,your words, because that`s what scares white people about nazis...........their viciousness and hatred is also aimed at white people and not just us minorities.


My great grandma and her brothers were taken away from her mother and put into a school a long distance from her home to learn the white way, which probably flew a stars and stripes but it`s just a flag.


And the dude put it on the side of his shitty looking car to get noticed not make some psycho political statement and he got it posted on here so i guess he has the last laugh.



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Thoughts of terror? My flag?


Alot of people have been exterminated under the guise of " it`s good for the country "


And yes i do think there is a hint of racism in your diatribe 30 million or so blah,blah,blah-s as opposed to 6 million folks ,your words, because that`s what scares white people about nazis...........their viciousness and hatred is also aimed at white people and not just us minorities.



And the dude put it on the side of his shitty looking car to get noticed not make some psycho political statement and he got it posted on here so i guess he has the last laugh.




If it was racist what race am I??


My words never mentioned numbers and the blah blah was the garbage of someone trying to explain why they knowingly where offending someone, not insensitivity to what happened in Asia. A lot of the people on the Bataan death march were from my state so I am quite familiar with what happened over there. How do you know the guy isn't making a political statement do you know him?? All I'm saying is that the Nazi swastika is offensive to people why would you disagree with that? Very strange to defend such a thing. Sure the guy got it posted on here but just to show what an idiot he is. You can do what ever you want. If you like Nazi's its none of my business go ahead and dig on them but don't try and say that swastikas are ok and not offensive its ridiculous. The rising sun isn't offensive to as many people. Check out the pics of my truck you will find neither on there.


It is interesting the flag you fly on your car is a Navy flag, so I'm not sure why an improperly used flag would be threatening to people. Maybe it would be more offensive on a boat. Do you see the point? Japanese war flags are not even recognized to be what they are by the people sticking them on their car. How are they in the same league as the swastika? This is an opportunity to learn all I can do is lead you to the water I can't make you drink.


Interesting you made no attempt to reference anything to hold up your argument just quotes that you made up. Your post is right below mine you will be the only one who thinks I said what you "quoted" . I wish you luck in life you'll need it with your eyes closed.


I am sorry to hear about your families plight I assure you I had nothing to do with it and do not defend what was done.


Also I rest my case. It is not fair to have a battle of wit with an unarmed man. Enjoy your Nazi cars.

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If it was a period correct VW kublewagon or schwimwagon it would be OK in my opinion.


I believe the Rising Sun with the red shades is still used by the navy.


IM sure that car is from Australia or New Zealand where it isnt as much a big deal to them about correctness. Just the way they are. Dont read to much into it.


I read a book where by Wars end 57% of the Waffen SS was made up of Foreigners. .Not because they hated the jews. But hated the Communist and the Russains

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THat's a good point to be made about the rising sun. The Germans and the japs were both slime dog bastards as far as ww11 went. I have no idea why they even formed an aliance as one would innevitably turn on another. Really flying the stars and stripes could piss off quite a lot of the world I definately wouldn't paint it on my American car in japan

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all in all the whole world is full of hate. whites, blacks, mexicans, germans, and japs, shit even arabs. maybe the guy that works on these. ars with the nazi crap on them is looking in his mirror when looking at the car. get it MIRROR. to him looks the good way but really is the nazi german way. ive learned about both symbols in grade school. the good and the bad. nazis them selves are confused since theyre suppose to hate everyone but yet ive known some that have black or hispanic friends. HUH. nazi no. every country has some power trip. anyone mention america dropping the heroshima bomb. i didnt read anything on that yet in here. every country has killed plenty of people, in theyre eyes for good cause" lmao" really. to everyone else terrible. CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG. im white and have had my issues with every race including my own. just get over it.



ON THE OTHER NOTE. i thought this site was more for datsuns and not political, religion, hate type crap. i wanna talk about my datsun and find what headers i can use on my 66 411 for shit sakes.

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