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Crash Video From Snowmobiling Yesterday

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Did you make this track ?? because it is just the biggest pile of AWESOME!!

Makes me feel like a bad parent...biggrin.gif








We borrowed my father-in-laws dozer for a couple weekends. Built it last summer on my buddys property. Its a hoot!!


Helps that we know 10-20 people with undersized dirtbikes. :D

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hell yeah I sled, 5500 feet in elevation what else am I gonna do with this 4ft a day of new snow.


I wish I got my footage on record, I nose cased a highway gap and broke the twin tips off my sled and got a face slapper into the bars, and it snapped my GO PRO in half, i was pissed.


The Polaris 600 still runs like a champ though

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SWEET! Riding in Montana is great I hear.


Speaking of Go Pro. Had mine on all day yesterday!


Here's a quick vid from yesterday. Just raw video, my computer's to slow to edit it, or even play it for that matter.


Sun is a big deal here in western washington. so when we get it after a dump of powder its a BIG deal. Epic day for sure.


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Great video. I sold my RMK a couple of seasons ago as it wasn't getting used enough. It was a 98 700,piped and reeded and no problem keeping up with the newer stuff. Riding up on Hood is good but Adams is even better. The Hell Man now lives in Bend and hopefully is being ridden on a regular basis.

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