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fusible links for 510's

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I went to Cost Moar, and bought blade fuses, some spade connectors, and 4 blade fuse holders. Total: 12$. Looks nicer and if the fuses ever blow, you get 4 for like 3 bucks. I kinda like it! Less OEM but also less fire & brimstone if they DO explode.


That was kinda skurry the first time it happened... yesterday. lol

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not sure if I am calling it correctly but mine is a ring terminal on the starter that goes to a plug connnector. the wire broke off the ring connector so the car would not start but I fixed it for now and it starts but the wire is so old and frail that it may not last. I think someone local to me has one but have to look at what connector I have on the end. I will check the dealer also since ggzilla says it may be still available


thanks for all the help



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