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Photo phuckin bucket

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What in the fuck now??? Photo bucket has changed something. When I load a picture like I always do it shows up here small. How do I fix this shit????



OK my old pictures are fine. I just loaded a picture and it shows up as smaller. here it is...



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uhhh time to send em a new hate mail, i hate it when they change the gui.






but ya seems to work fine for me, id check your "upload options" prolly have "super tiny size" selected or something.

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You know, at my age it's expected that you don't like change but fuck this!!!!




ok...... that one worked. Try another....




Well everything is now working. I've downloaded hundreds of photos, never had a problem. Maybe hit a wrong key. Shrug.

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ive had weird shit like that happen on Pbucket before, i was told it was because i was using it during a update.






yep, i cant put a pic in photochop without slamming most everything.



and since this thread is solved, im gonna show a couple examples. :fu:














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ITS doing a lot of stupid shit for me on craigslist. the html code wont change when I copy it. I have to click on the pic to get the right code or hit the share button. This may get fixed I hope.


I dont like the new page layout either. You have to click on a arrow to get the logout icon/link. logout should always be up front.


View all albums comes up as a pop up now too which I think sucks.

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