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I hate some people

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I was in the bathroom in the back of my apartment and my dog was freaking out about something. I thought it was just neighbors being loud but i guess not. I went to take him out a little later and opened my door to see this




Some bitch jumped the curb and almost drove into my apartment :angry:



she took a tree or two with her. Thank god there was a beam there that stopped her car before it could go further

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Guest kamakazi620

i dont even know how she managed this. it's not like theres parking anywhere near my building except behind it... :blink:

Huh Huh she said "Behind"!!!!!!! Huh huh Beevis and butthead voice!!

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Please tell me no 710s were harmed in the making of this thread????


Amen! To that.




shes like begging the cop not to give her a breathalizer test too


If you hadn't been drinking would you need to beg? The apt. might be private property and the cop may not be able to do anything.

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